Um....Halo 3 DOES have HD graphics.....
Um....Halo 3 DOES have HD graphics.....
Over clock it up a bit. I have mine set at 800mhz and it runs Netflix flawlessly and can still do other things.
Sure did. Works likes a charm on Cyanogen 6.1.xx on OG Droid OC'd to 800mhz. Good quality and good sound.
This makes no sense. I see them change just fine. I watched it over an over again. What exactly is supposed to happen?
Ugh...this sounds like it would be a huge drain on a controller battery. So much for long gaming sessions :S
Should have used duct tape.
Video removed. Anyone have a different link?
Wasn't all that exciting here 30 miles west of Milwaukee. Fun storm though. Lots of lightning, just not on this scale. No hail to speak of.
Ahahahahaha. I played that on the 3DO. Memories....*tear*
Walking in stations
So does this use the Gamebryo engine? Sure looks like it does. Please tell me other wise :( I'm suck of all the horrible games that come out of it! (not the games, just the bugs in said games due to poor engine)
No. That is being released this summer :)
Yes it does. It is now a standard. The law passed a few years ago. All cell phones will have the same charging adapter.
Well played sir.
Cast reflect on your party. Cast ultima on your party, it will reflect 3x times back to the enemy.
Above 300? I'd be willing to go to $350 for a device like that. Nothing more though. Then it does get silly. I'm willing to bet it will be at the $400 range though :(
@gabmed: Not sure if serious.