Let’s be honest here, they’re pieces of shit as well.
Let’s be honest here, they’re pieces of shit as well.
Been tempted to pick up PS VR for a while. How does it stackup to the Oculus? How does it work for those with glasses?
Been tempted to pick up PS VR for a while. How does it stackup to the Oculus? How does it work for those with…
How about instead of begging for old series’ to get resurrected or remade, we beg for companies to make new games with things we’ve never seen before?
There’s nothing fundamentally flawed about the BRZ. Yet again, people misunderstand it. The BRZ is a platform car to be MODDED if more power is what you wish. But it has RWD and good handling characteristics and a VERY capable chassis. That and the FA20 motor eats up turbo boost like nobody’s business. The biggest…
Headers and a tune removes that dip. $1500 later and a brand new car which is what a lot of folks have done (myself included).
Agreed, that is a side affect of a better tune. The AVCS on the car are really what needs to be tuned. When i was stock, I had a basic tune with additional AVCS timing and it did get about 10 hp. not enough to make a dif there, but the dip was nearly gone.
“better tune” = “more power”
No doubt. I just bought a turbo kit for it :) Does it need it? No. But there are issues with a supercharger, or a turbo for that matter. Positive displacement chargers right now have intense intake temps and enormous toe-in knock. (stock has quite a bit too, but the built in system is very good to mitigate this).…
Get ready for a bunch of made up stories from all the fourteen year-olds on summer break.
I firmly support this. I'd love to hear about the trials and tribulations of importing an infamous car like that.
Daily heroic on level 28 guarantees 2 materials and usually they are pretty easy. Also your first public event of the day will give you 1 in the mail plus any you earn after getting gold on the public. You also get vanguard marks from doing publics which you can use to buy armor and dismantle them for shards. They…
No. I like my BRZ.
use destinylfg.net . Should be pretty easy to find a group and most people have very positive experiences there. The Destiny community is very nice for the most part.
I want this simply for the ability to play XCOM on my Vita