
@Willardo: Well with touch screen computers starting to come out by HP n others, I'm sure some people may think it will work. Though the ones that own those computer I'm positive dont know what crysis is.

Did they fix the item duplication bug in FF7 using w-item materia? I hope not. That made it so easy to master all materia

@bigcamcrsx: I did have it, but I've flashed a few times and during one of my ROM flashes Titanium back up didnt save the settings. I was sad :(

Sound Hound is much better than Shazam. After shazam decided to take away unlimited tagging in the free app it sucked. Sound hound gives unlimited and will even find lyrics.

Damn. This thing looks sexy

I should try to give it a second chance. I played it for 2 hours, got lost, and started wandering around. Felt boring, and I love open world games.

How will they continue this comic

@Paul_Is_Drunk: I so hope this is not the case. They did a fair job with software emulation of ps2 games for the ps3, is it perfect, not by a long shot. The cell CPU is kinda like a hybrid of a GPU and CPU. My GTX 480 in theory has significantly more power than the power of the cell, so they could develop a software

I wouldn't mind a new console in 3 -4 years, as long as the new ones are completely backwards compatable. At least the ps4 to the ps3, and I expect Xbox to play xbox and xbox 360 games.

her boobs aren't big enough to be Mad Moxxi. She has some serious cleavage

Wow...The acting was terrihorrible. I am surprised the sets are still there and its not like some tourist trap or something. Wouldn't that land be owned by the studio or reused, or torn down or something?

Nice screen res. That was my biggest reason for hating the iPad. The screen looked atrocious. Now just if they made it an inch smaller with the same specs, it would be absolutley perfect.

Um... Every smart phone from Verizon requires an unlimited plan.... I have unlimited on my phone and I didn't have a choice. And yes it is truely unlimited. I go well above the 5 GB that other "unlimited" plans have, on a monthly basis. Averaging 7 GB per month. Why is this news?

@Orsigno: Midwest...I mean Frontier airlines. First class style seats for the entire plane. You pay like $25 extra vs other airlines to fly with them, but 25 bucks is nothing, and fresh baked cookies on board ^_^

@SirSpectre: Also hoping if (when) my ps3 dies, :(

@jamaicanmecrazy: Ehh oh well. Does affect me much seeing i have one of the 80gb models :) was hoping for all the other ps3 owners out there

Does this mean you can rip the firmware out of, lets say a 2nd Gen 8 GB model with software PS2 emulation and install it on a different ps3? this would be awesome to play ps2 games on ps3.

32 Xbox 360, 28 PS3, 4 Xbox, 10 PS2. PC games are all digital so they dont count. All are growing, and I will not trade them in. Ever. I like having a display of my games, it makes me happy! :D

Come on Verizon phone!