
I'm all for gamer chicks, but she is creepy as hell. Also sickly thin.

@DebosBike: Me too. Got it for $57 and a $20 gift card. Pleasantly surprised.

Are these how they will look in game? I am very scared that they wont have any Anti-Aliasing in game and my hopes and dreams of the prettiness of this game will be shattered.

Well played Kotaku....well played.....

Someone edit your Hosts file? I love doing that to people. Much hilarity ensues

@BoscoH: Your link was caught by virus scanner as a trojan. Safe? c/d?

@mattigus: I'm a sucker for more game content. Not just a new costume or weapon, but new places to run around. Also the little hiding place book thing is pretty slick.

@josh6135: Is it even being released on PC? I know Fable 1 was , but not Fable 2. Seems kinda weird to skip a game for PC release.

I think this will be my first collectors edition i purchase...

@Acesfull711: Most likely. Shame. I was looking forward to having 4g at least close ( I live in Madison) sometime in the next 3 years. Why is Wisconsin always forgotten :(

@Shigmiya64: Totally agree with you. This one of the games I have been looking forward to all year.

@sloanstrife: Sweet. Thanks for the info. I may pick it up again after finshing borderlands.

I bought this game for $10 brand new from a clearance bin at Best Buy. When I threw it in and played it, I couldn't understand what the game was about and why would it punish you so hard for dying, and then dying again in the death world. Can someone explain if there is a story to the game or not or what the point

@Oasx: Well, there is the old fashioned way...

No. Just no. End the franchise. Leave it to the game.

Pretty sure this has been around for quite a while (at least since December 09). I also remember seeing a 15MB plan for $5 per month. The smaller plans are only for messaging phones or phones that are "web capable." Smartphones require the $30 per month plan.

@FiskFisk33: Damn right we do. If it cant be deep fried, its not worth eating. *dies of heart attack*

@bobtheduck in Korea: When they were showing them, they were 1 degree viewing angle. DS, if i remember correctly, is 20 degrees. Im assuming 20 to 30 degrees would be a "wide" angle for this application.