
Yes. I am that 12 year old, because I have been firing off profanity laced rants at everyone here.

Look, you can remain in your world where it's merely coincidence that just about every game that comes out has a multiplayer component. You can chose to believe that people who bought PS+ are somehow above those 12 year

I'm always amazed at people who make an effort to explain that the majority of PS4 owners didn't get PS+ because they had to in order to play multiplayer. Really? You bought a game console to play half of your games?

Come on man. I'm not saying that there isn't additional value in a PS+ subscription. I'm saying that

Say what you want about Microsoft's weird backpedaling, but at least they're clear about what they're doing. That last answer Buser gave is a whole paragraph that says nothing at all besides, "Hey, tell us if this is good."

You're missing the point. The fact is, if you want to play PS4 games online, you have to have PS+. So naturally, when you sell PS4s, you sell PS+ memberships. To say "WOW PS+ MEMBERSHIPS ARE UP!" when you do everything but straight up require people to have it in order to play is disingenuous stat padding.

Yeah. It's like Nike saying that sales of right footed shoes have gone up since they started "giving the option and not requiring at all" to include them with left footed shoes.


The best part of this video is the follow up left after the knockout blow, where Golovkin essentially punches Geale's flailing right hand, causing Geale to punch himself in the face.

Golovkin just big brother'd Geale so badly. "QUIT HIT YOU FACE!" He screamed in halfway coherent english.

LOL here we fucking go

Yeah , it does partially negate the blame of the perpetrator. Implying that the victim was even somewhat responsible takes attention away from the fact that the perpetrator did something wrong

No, everyone here is accusing Stephen A. Smith of being an asshole, which you'd have to be in order to go on TV and say "WOAH WOAH WOAH I'm with you guys! Knocking out your fiancee is wrong! But I mean, don't you think she kind of deserved it?"

The point is that ultimately, the person who commits the offending act is

No, I would say that it's totally unnecessary to tell the victim to lock their doors, since as they would be a recent victim of a car theft, they would likely be paranoid about it happening again, and it would still be a shitty move to even hint at the culpability of the victim in a crime.

Notice if you use his first initial and take out the "i" in Rison, you get ARSON. Why would his mother make his name so close to a crime if she didn't eventually want his house to be burned down?!

Yeah, if you're an asshole, which Stephen A. Smith clearly is. Assholes are people who blame victims. A better question to ask, if we're going to continue the analogy, would be to ask the thief "Why is it you feel like stealing someone's car is a good thing, regardless of if the doors were locked or not?"

If someone steals your car, I think that one of the many things that are within the realm of appropriate responses is not- "Well, why are you provoking thieves by not locking the door?"

Same with knocking someone out or burning someone's house down or rape or pretty much anything else that is criminal.

TL;DR- You guys, domestic violence is bad, but girls need to quit making dudes so mad.

TL;DR- Fellow discovers feminism started by CIA, defends(?) use of NHL ice girls, never comes to realization that huffing paint will eventually kill him

Perhaps the "exclusive" part of this tweet was that the DLC for CoD, AC, and Evolve are coming to Xbox One first, in the same way that Sony was advertising Destiny as exclusive.

Seriously. Those jerks had the nerve to go and get shot down and die terrified.

Especially since just growing rice is labor intensive as shit, let alone growing it so precisely and beautifully. Awesome stuff.

I like how the President of Germany gets fancy latin flair.