Man. High stakes ass sushi. If the nigiri is bad, you DIE
Man. High stakes ass sushi. If the nigiri is bad, you DIE
Well, because an employer is allowed to make a decision about if that person is helpful or harmful in that environment regardless. The NFL is obviously a little different from most places given their high profile. I think though, that an employer would definitely be well within its rights to say that even though…
Fucking shit.
Hey fuck off buddy. I was in ‘Nam.
In uh... in 2009. I rode a scooter a lot.
I’m happy for Pulisic and all but jesus christ that Pedro goal is goddamn pornography.
A few days before OBJ got traded to the Browns, I had a goddamn psychic friend moment.
I dreamed that OBJ got traded to the Browns, and that he and Baker Mayfield instantly clicked. Like they immediately had the chemistry that was so forced onto that (admittedly excellent) commercial of OBJ and Eli doing the Dirty…
What does that mean to you? I kinda think that QT’s “form” is that every movie can be boiled down to “violent act, cool character explains why he is cool to another character who may also be cool but is also just as likely to be come the victim of next violent act, feet, repeat with music”
For me, Tarantino is like Winnie the Pooh. I grew up and he didn’t.
When I was like, 13-19, and ridiculously over the top violent action scenes were good reasons to go to the movies, you couldn’t go wrong with Tarantino. When I was that age, if I had an idea that I thought was cool or original, I could never quite…
I think you mean Eli Motherfucking Manning, which I started typing as a joke but now I think would be t he most legit casting in the history of movies.
What a play! As a relatively casual soccer fan, that header to get the ball over was so impressive to me. I don’t get to watch a lot of soccer, so I dunno how standard that kind of headed pass is, but it gave her just enough space to get to the ball with speed. Then probably my favorite part is that after delivering…
Good god.
Eakin hit was 2 at most. The refs clearly did not think it was even worth a penalty, and only called it when they saw Pavs leaking out of his head. What is your reasoning for saying it is a minimum of 4? The only penalty that comes with an automatic extra two for blood is a high stick, and the contact that…
Blues screwed, blues screwed! We gotta find another paw print, that’s a second clue! Put it past the goalie cuz the blues screwed, blues screwed!
I can just imagine the meeting when they decided that offsides calls should be plays that coaches can challenge. You know that there was a guy there who was like, “Yeah! Imagine if there’s a guy who is changing on the opposite side of the ice and it’s not totally clear if his skate is on the line or not, and beyond…
I bet when the league was deciding if offsides calls should be reviewable, this was one of the exact situations they were thinking of.
Nobody has ever fucking called the Avalanche the ‘lanche. That is clearly a halfway recalled, halfway invented stroke memory. I’m guessing someone dozed off while watching Planet Earth: MOUNTAINS, and woke up during Sportscenter.
You know it’s a good day when you see a comment about the Pillsbury Throwboy.
Weird parallel- reminded me a lot of Michael Vick’s throwing motion. Like you just wouldn’t expect the ball to travel that far. He just kinda flicked it and it went 40 yards. Crazy.
See here I was thinking you were making a joke about culture being so toxic that there were MRSA infections and Greg Schiano.
Here comes an 8 game winning streak so the Giants can lose in the first round of the playoffs and get fuck all out of the draft.