It seems like every teaser for Capcom's big, upcoming PS4 title is designed to confuse viewer with a bunch of random dialogue and rabid monster enemies, while showing off the bleeding-edge tech that makes it run
It seems like every teaser for Capcom's big, upcoming PS4 title is designed to confuse viewer with a bunch of random dialogue and rabid monster enemies, while showing off the bleeding-edge tech that makes it run
They were later arrested.
I forgot about that. Jeeeeeesus what a shot
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer had a lot of this going on. Takes the fun right out of the game.
Just from looking at my Facebook feed (I'm in Colorado), I'd like to see stats on how many people changed their profile pics from ones with Broncos paraphernalia to those with faces that don't yet know how badly the Broncos are going to get worked.
No. It didn't really look like he pulled it backwards to me, but even if he did, I don't see how the rule itself can make an exception for doing a full spin-o-rama, but not for a well executed move like that.
That's not sadness. That's what veterans call "the thousand yard stare." He's not even seeing his brother get worked. He's remembering the last time he saw Seattle at MetLife Stadium. That's not sadness. That's the pain of seeing things that cannot be unseen.
He could have taken himself out of the game in the third quarter and it wouldn't have been an issue. That karma's a tricksy hobbit, putting him out of the game long after he could have stopped playing.
Clearly he consorts with filthy xenos and hated traitors. The state of his faith is clear.
"Plasti-crack" is probably the best way to describe it. I don't know how you've managed to stay clean, friend.
It's tough to get better without practicing a lot. I wouldn't say I'm even approaching "great" as far as mini-fig painting, but I like the way my models look and I've gotten compliments on them when I get to play, so I'm cool with it. Still, the very first thing I painted (a Black Templars marine, which I picked…
I was scrolling through the pictures and I thought and felt many things. I felt amazed at the amount of figures. I thought about the enormous cost of all of it, both in money and time. I thought about how mind boggling it would be to keep up with the many different rule sets and versions for each army to keep them in…
Ugh... just thinking of that caused my balloon knot to tighten up so hard.
If only she were wearing a Brian Bosworth jersey, her ridiculous hairstyle would have been appropriate.
If I walked into my room and saw this I would probably think "Oh fuck my roommate killed herself."
My outrage was prepared, but then I lol'd. I salute you, friend.
It figures Danny MacAskill would be in this video. That guy is friggin ridiculous. He's got some cool videos on youtube, but this one is my favorite.