
Japanese castles relied a lot on terrain as a defensive feature, as well as walls. If you see a picture of the average Japanese castle today, it's easy to forget that when the castle was used in a martial context, the area was quite a bit bigger, usually involving multiple walled courtyards that could become kill

Seeing stuff like this is great. I'm sure a lot of pro athletes do tons for charity in general, but it's super cool to see direct interaction. It's not just some dude writing a check, it's a guy named Zach giving a kid (named... something) a really cool souvenir.

Well, it does actually matter who he plays with. When your goalie is near the bottom of the chart when it comes to GAA, but near the top of the chart as far as save percentage, you've got much bigger defensive problems than one guy (who happens to be pretty much your only hope for scoring and winning) looking to score

Ovechkin - 26 goals, 9 Assists. Leading the league in goals. You want him to play D too?

Right on man. Good to see reason triumphing. When it comes down to it, console wars come down to preference. Other than funds, there's no reason you can't like both, and other than being a jerk, there's no reason to vehemently hate either.

There's a difference between being a douchebag prima donna and not playing great defense. When I think douchebag, I think Cam Janssen. When I think prima donna, I think of Sidney Crosby, who, in my opinion, is the hacking-est player on the ice no matter what building he's in, and yet somehow he doesn't serve a ton of

Ridiculous goal. Yeah, it's against the Islanders, but that defenseman played it pretty well, all things considered. He was like Samson from A Day No Pigs Would Die. He just would not be denied.

That person has gotten to the point where they are formless enough due to bulky clothes and body fat that he/she could be a he or a she.

Much more appropriate. You are correct, sir!

He never deserved the criticism he got for his injuries, especially in light of how clean he came out of the Steroid Era.

Aw. When I voted there was just one vote for no. The Loneliest Jets Fan. Guys it's the holidays we should be thankful for stuff.


You're probably right, but I was just trying to think of the most douche-y thing to be doing at a UFC fight. He's wearing a fucking newsies cap for shit's sake.

I'm gonna guess it's an e-cigarette.

Sure thing, Dana.

Seriously though, if a fighter retires, doesn't that mean they relinquish their belt? He got beat up so badly that he is literally reconsidering the direction his life has taken. I think that only a scumbag would say that a a man who was just demolished in the ring owes people another beating because

Hm. So let me just make sure I'm clear on this. GSP got mangled by Hendricks, but GSP was given the decision, so now GSP owes UFC fans a rematch because we don't feel like he was mangled enough in a questionable victory?

It was probably his genetically inferior, but no less related twin brother. Kind of like the plot to that movie Twins except with a lot more rape.

I imagine he read all that good advice, thought about it for precisely 12 seconds, then blinked, said "Dear god am I honestly thinking about a world where the Jaguars win two games in a row?" and, laughing nervously about his brief tangle with insanity, picked the Cardinals.

I totally agree, and I think that honestly, if we're assigning responsibility in the cases where fighters go on when they should not go on, you have to start with their trainer. Fighters fight. That's what they do. I think that people who are talented and dedicated enough to be professional boxers are born that way.

Should have been a lot more. One would think that if blows to the head while the game is on are punishable by suspension, then a blow to the head on an unprotected player after the play is over would be a lot more serious.