He looks so happy! That is the face of a man who has won.
He looks so happy! That is the face of a man who has won.
Oh man I agree. My friend! Such a well acted moment.
Yep. All of his stories were awesome. I also liked the one about him and his Asari girlfriend. And about how you can pry the plate off a Krogan's head. And about how he hijacked a freighter and- you know, I just have to reiterate, all of his stories were awesome.
...go on?
Did not realize that the lead photo was an animated gif. I felt extremely uneasy as I read this, then I scrolled back up and realized why. Then I stood up and found out that someone put shit in my pants.
Heck yeah it's a ton of dice. Good help you if you were within rapid fire range.
Pshhhhhh 4th edition Imperial Guard, son. Movement phase? 1 second. Shooting phase? STILL HAPPENING
This might be the best thing I've ever seen.
Dang. If I lit everything on fire that annoyed me, I would start with the Giants D-line, but they haven't shown up since 2010.
I was wondering when they'd post the video of this after you pointed it out. Also, yes, your name is quite appropriate today.
When I saw that Cowboy Cookies were the quintessential food of Colorado, I also raised an eyebrow. Was this found by typing COLORADO FEWDS into Google?
The 207th Masked Milkmen Regiment is hardcore as hell.
Okay so I read your original post and was prepared to rant, but after reading this I see your point and I even agree to some extent. I think games would get better if ratings weren't an issue (though most of the games I can recall that were huge sellers were all rated M), but at the same time, as a parent, I can…
Trust me, you don't want to see what that really looks like. Okay fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Ok so I know that this probably isn't going to help, but if you compare it to something (perhaps fittingly) similar, figure skaters have a toepick on the front of their skates for this very reason. He's putting a lot of energy into that kick, and that energy has to go somewhere.