
Let’s all remember that Nintendo is not violating the game developer’s First Amendment rights as the ESRB is a non-governmental entity that is used by the video game industry to self-regulate.

One of my favorite online experiences was meeting 2 guys on Xbox LIVE when Halo 3 initially came out. We just randomly got hooked up in a team match online and all chatted. It was me, a 25-year-old from South Carolina, a 23-year-old Canadian, and a 12-year-old from Texas.

You have 15,615 unread emails?!

I regret having read this article.

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?

Literally every geek I know uses VLC.

I love the idea that these despicable people rushed home after plopping down $50-$60 on a brand new game and were instantly banned again. “I’ve spent $200 on this game, and I can’t play it! I just want to be able to cheat and feel superior to others while simultaneously ruining the game for everyone else. Is that too

Yes, it would make sense for them to have more stories about all the other ridiculously popular and rabidly anticipated games that were released this week.

Honestly, it’s because this has been one of (if not arguably the single best) marketing campaign video games has seen. It was perfectly announced (and playable the day of announcement), and then followed up with very strategically timed betas and animated shorts. People got emotionally connected to the characters

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

Now playing

Its the foundation of ANY animation... Squash and Stretch is one of the core principals that disney teaches to convey movement.

This is one of the foundations of animation and it is used extensively by Pixar and Disney.

tbh major kudos to blizzard for this. smears, squash and stretch is something that video games have needed to nab from traditional animation for years. they just needed graphics to be fluent and hiccup free enough for it to work and we’re - mostly - there.

Whatever, Ghandi’s just going to nuke it all...

“4K TVs are often disregarded because we can’t appreciate the resolution unless the screen was much bigger but with 4K allowing for high dynamic range, Ultra HD movies can pack a much better color punch.

*buys expensive microscope, puts piece of dogshit on the slide*

Calling out ‘you can’t see the difference I’m trying to demonstrate’ doesn’t make the demo useful. He says he’s showing a difference. But the difference isn’t indicative of the benefit of HDR. HDR doesn’t shift everything with blue tint to a very warm brown tint. That’s just two TVs with very different color

You guys didn't pay attention at all to the video did you?

LOL. That is so much like me when I’m in a new area. Running a short distance, scanning around, run a short bit more, peeking around every corner, etc... As soon as I know the layout I'm more cavalier, but oh so cautious in a new area.