
Or skip anywhere else other than the US lol.

I applaude Blizzard for listening to the people.


Cerberus. What a gun.

Nothing wrong with mobile. I spend half my waking hours playing Threes. But when game publishers dredge up old franchises like Dungeon Keeper and RollerCoaster Tycoon just to bastardize them in an attempt to make a quick buck off microtransactions and other horrendous monetization practices, some rage is most


and perhaps go nutty once again this fall, when we all discover that "PC experience" could mean "Facebook game."

I believe it was discussed in another Kotaku article about retail having a big influence on the digital sales for MS/Sony marketplaces. It stated that retail stores would remove games from their shelves if the digital counterpart were released at a cheaper price, since that would steal their customers. This is

"By our standards, it was the kind of contract that you give to an individual who creates a franchise like Assassin's Creed, and deserves a certain amount of control of his destiny. A lot of what they probably didn't like was that Patrice had a certain amount of independence to build that game and to continue with

A Python worthy sketch if ever I saw one.

'Ello 'ello, what 'ave we got 'ere? You 'avin fun on 'er Majesty's roads? I think not! You're nicked sunshine.

my wife made me install this mod after I installed the female nude mod. when the first fully nude messenger ran up and pulled a message out of his ass we both lost it. AAAA+++++++ would install again.

Their existence isn't news. She wrote something funny about them which I think is worth reading, is all.

I have to ask where she's hiding her massive balls in these outfits.

Some pre-emptive notes! One, the Jack one has a surprising amount of detail; the eyebrows and shaved head aren't effects. Nor is the smoke in the Scorpion shot, that's real smoke. The giant floating text in the Vaas image was, however, added in Photoshop. Just so you know.

This is some serious Power Ranger style shit.