Well, there are also Gary Johnson voters out there..
Well, there are also Gary Johnson voters out there..
Bloomberg’s speech gave me LIFE because you know Trump was SO PISSED that Bloomberg said he was richer than Donald and threatened his New York cred.
My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.
Ours was small. Tiny. It was still *definitely* a wedding, though, with 25% of our budget going to the photographer, and 25% going to the food/drinks. I think the rest was clothes/venue. We emailed the invites and friend-sourced some of the things that could be prepped in advance, and spent a weekend at an inn with 18…
Do you guys just look for an excuse to be snarky? Michael Phelps, as ridiculous as he is, is probably shirtless because he’s practicing skin to skin contact with his child, something that promotes intimacy with fathers and their babies. Christ.
Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.
it’s natural to want to defend your country but publicly sanctioned punishment rapes might not be the best hill to die on...
I fucking am pro abortion. It is a legal fucking medical procedure. If you want to get one, get one. If you want to get 12493087120390, get that many, then. If you want to purposely get pregnant and get an abortion, fucking have at it. If you want an abortion because you don’t like the sex of your baby, or the father,…
Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the…
I too suffer from blonde eyelash syndrome. I also have very fair, skin which ensures that the morning bags under my eyes are purple if I don't put on concealer. Add in ponytail and throw a knit cap over the whole thing so you can't see my hair, and people look generally concerned about whether I can make it to my…
The grass is always greener, I guess. I wish I had a higher sex drive than I did. But it doesn't matter as long as the communication is good and you compromise - the person with the lower sex drive will have to have more sex than they ideally would, and the person with the higher sex drive will have to tone it down a…
Guyrootof and I give each other maintenance sex often, but we both see it more as "favor/being a nice partner" sex. No one feels obligated, it can always be turned down. Sometimes he isn't into it and I am, and vice versa, so it's just a thing that sometimes happens when two people have been exclusive a long time. We…
Gosh, with these two I'm not sure which side to choose. They both love cats like me. In interviews they both come off very annoying, so I'm just gonna go with #TeamCat instead of one of the human teams.
"hair of flax" tho
I'm not really a fan of Mindy Kaling, but I bristle at the suggestion that there is a checklist of issues that any tv show must cover. She doesn't want to cover the topic, that's fine. I also don't feel it appropriate to put the screws to every tv show to be a sounding board for every politically correct topic known…
Ultimately, The Mindy Project is Kaling's show, and if she doesn't want to tackle the issue, she shouldn't have to. She's the boss. But "abortion is too serious" is a flimsy excuse for such a deliberate dodge of an obvious issue that would face gynecologists, an issue that has been tackled successfully by other half…
I'm kind of in that grey area between plus size and regular size (which actually usually means I can buy all the clearance items at plus size stores, which is great) but I don't quite see how this means we should boycott Target. Can't people make what they want, and sell what they want? Isn't this like boycotting a…
They were roommates at Julliard. I love this picture - they were so young and jazzed that they were both so successful.
Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing…