Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.
Yeah I think that's part of the problem. He lets out steam on the net because he can't release IRL. I don't care what people say, but couples who don't fight are suspicious as hell.
Spengler = Kristen Wiig
Seems pretty obvs to me: Venkman/Melissa McCarthy, Egon/Tina Fey, Stantz/Amy Poehler, Winston/Octavia Spenser, Louis Tully/Amy Sedaris.
I vote "Too stupid to be offensive"
Poor movie fiancées. Your patron saint James Marsden knows that feel.
I used to love watching this show on our Vizio, while relaxing on the La-Z-Boy and eating Doritos (Cool Ranch flavor).
Yeah, that's right. I'm like the Carrie Bradshaw of middle America, bitches.
Well, I can say two bad things about it.
The knee-jerk support for Israel from some Jewish people has always been disturbing to me. During one of the many conflicts between Israel and Palestine, a Jewish woman said that when her kids complained about their first-world problems she would tell them to think about the children suffering in Israel. And I…
Misogyny is to religion as hamburgers are to McDonalds; they didn't invent it but they do a booming business in it.
Seriously, do men EVER get asked this? It's assumed they provide the truly valuable parenting ——intellectual, spiritual, political, whatever——while women just wipe asses and do the shit work.
When I see public breastfeeding I'd be lying if my brain didn't say, "Heyohhh, that's a BOOB, don't look at that!" (because my brain is 12-years-old) but then I have a moment of clarity where I check myself and remember that yes, it IS a breast and that baby was hungry. Ain't no thing.
I'm not surprised that the barista is a teenager. I'm really happy with this new bunch of teenagers coming up. The ones I know are really brave and stand up for other people who need help. I know it's fashionable to rag on the younger folks, but I won't, because I think they're great.
Re: TLC and Rihanna, just another example of the generational divide when it comes to women and open displays of sexuality.
although I might question the practice of requesting money instead of gifts, that first asker annoys me way more than their "rich bff."
Given the choice between a public flogging and not being able to wear a veil, which would you pick? When was the last time a European government had a muslim woman flogged? The western world isn't perfect but please stop with the BS, it's nowhere as bad as anything you would get in an Islamic country.
It might take awhile. They have yet to make it out of the 18th century.
You're incredibly silly and you seem too lazy to get your news from more than one place.
In fairness, The Hindu's coverage of the Kardashians sucks.
I'm | too sexy for the dance | too sexy for the Dads | too sexy for the lads
The point isn't about being angry people don't find you attractive. The point is being angry when people DO find you attractive, but feel that dating you would reflect poorly on them or be attached to a social stigma.