hmm. idk if that would’ve been true to her character, though? she seems like the kind of girl who WANTS a marriage/life with traditional gender roles, right?
hmm. idk if that would’ve been true to her character, though? she seems like the kind of girl who WANTS a marriage/life with traditional gender roles, right?
ok, y’all, now tell me: do i NEED to watch the last couple seasons of the show before this airs? i stopped watching at that point i think because it was just a shell of its former self and i was in college and over it. or, will i be fine if i pretend the last 2-3 seasons didn’t happen?
ok, so how much, exactly do hollywood nannies get paid? bc cartier love bracelets aint cheap, yo.
I definitely feel like I’m in the minority here in that I LOVE dressing uber professionally— Banana Republic/Ann Taylor is my definition of professional.
omg thank you for linking to the trailer! it looks AMAZING! i’m a nielsen family, so im for sure going to watch the crap out of this show so that it has a good chance of staying on!
in all fairness, maybe the bride didn’t care? my bff just helped me pick my matron of honor dress and it’s the same ivory color as her dress. i think maybe wearing white to weddings is becoming less and less taboo.
Photographic proof I am now an oldie. Here's me at my prom in 2002. At the time I felt super “against the grain” by going feminine with the pink dress (I was the ultimate non-girly girl; the first time I’d worn a dress since elementary school WAS prom!) and it turns out I was just a puppet for the fashion industry at…
I never saw Chandler as homophobic. I always assumed his issues with that stemmed from how his father cheated on his mom with the pool boy.
I mean, I have a pretty large, and pretty awesome group of girlfriends I’ve known for YEARS— long before I was married. But, nevertheless, the person I have the most fun with, and would rather spend my free time with, is my husband. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong to this. I personally don’t anticipate ever…
Ugh me too. I'm a constant mixed bag of emotions anytime I hear a new pregnancy announcement. Which, at my age, 31, is EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I almost literally can't deal with it anymore. Fingers crossed for all of us trying that we'll get to make our own announcement someday!
Ooh, can I share, too?! I’m definitely one of those people who love bling, so I guess I can’t really hate on being a diamond lover. I’m really into colored stones, so I was super thrilled when my husband gave me this black diamond ring. I wish I had better pix of it, but we're out of town and I didn't wear any jewelry…
I’m Indian, and I don’t think what that person said was racist. The rape culture in India is NOT similar to what our rape culture in America is. Yes, both are heinous, etc, etc, but to pretend that what goes on to women in America is even remotely close to what women in India go through is extreme willful ignorance.
You can also move abroad with your spouse to a country where you can't get a work visa or find a company to sponsor you. 10/10 wouldn't recommend.
having flown sing air several times, both business and economy, i can attest to the pristine conditions of their aircrafts. such a wonderful airline to fly. emirates has always been pretty good; im surprised it didn’t make the list.
Funny you should ask. Yesterday we did our first frozen embryo transfer. I’m 31, and have severe endometriosis and so we’ve known for 6+ years I’d need to do IVF. Anyway, on July 1st we do a blood test to find out if it took. I told my husband tonight that I am neither ready for a negative test result nor am I ready…
OMG! this, so much! i tell my husband this ALL the time. people always comment on my weight, even though I’m not really fat. like, if i lost 20 or 25 lbs i’d probably be super hot, like in a sexy way, whereas right now i’m considered really pretty/cute. I told him that I bet people comment about my weight because they…
yup. as a pear shaped girl, i had to explain to my apple-shaped friend that i will alwys be considered fat because i have wide-ish hips and thicker thighs that apple-shaped girls. basically, if you have skinny hips and thighs you’re put into the ‘fat’ category far less than us fit, healthy weight pear shaped girls.…
You just described me to a T. If it weren't for maintenance sex we'd never get it on and that doesn't sound like a very fun life for my husband and I. My gynecologist once told me to fake it til I make it and that the more sex I had the more I'd probably want to have it. I'm happy I choose to have sex regardless of…
jack in the box. we went back to the hotel room, changed and drove to get fast food. the following night (small wedding and dinner saturday, giant ass Indian/Pakistani reception sunday) we changed and went to Mickey D's. #truelove