
Ignoring the fact that the server does the same amount of work for a $5 salad and a $30 steak?

I have kept my cards in a magnetic money clip for nearly a decade now with all of the cards in there with each other, sometime stripe-to-stripe or against hotel cards, and so on. I've never had any problems. In fact, this has been tested and nothing short of a neodymium magnet will quickly demagnetize a card. The

This is just one crazy unmarried guy's musings, but I think I might have come up with a decent formula.

Try explaining that to creationists...

AFAIK, he's still alive and kicking in the comic.


Good job on trying to be cool but being wrong on both counts. For road bikes (ie, not hybrids or mountain), less padding is better and ends up being far more comfortable in the long run. It might be uncomfrotable at first, but over the long run doesn't contact as much tissue which means less soreness. Heavily

Chris Hemsworth

Mayonnaise serves a VERY important role in sandwich construction. Because mayo is fat based, it is hydrophobic and therefore impenetrable to water. This means that a thin layer of mayonnaise will prevent your bread from getting soggy because of that juicy-ass tomato you put on. A sandwich without mayonnaise is like

The weather forecast in Atlanta was calling for a chance of a light dusting of snow. I'm sure if the weather forecast actually called for several inches, that would have drastically changed how things turned out.

Ignoring the ice and snow, of course.

Unless the show gets canceled abruptly very soon, you'll see Negan on the TV show. Like Season 9.

It might be good to note, for those that are immediately turned off by the description here, that this is just one episode of a 12-episode series. It is the only monster-of-the-week episode, and the only episode that does ridiculous things like have perverted monsters and form a pop group to defeat it.


Umm... Population? And census?

Confused. I've looked up ball lightning on Youtube several years ago and had no problem finding several videos. Most were pretty old and crappy, but they were there.

Quit being a pedant and let us use our words however we like. Season is the US equivalent of series, and there's nothing you can do to change that.

Where do you think it all came from in the first place?

I don't know why, but I couldn't help but read that second quote as James May.

And yet they couldn't give us a proper e-brake? Is it really that much to ask?