
Mythbusters confirmed. And they were surprisingly thorough. io9's article was nice, but it was all conjecture and maths. Actual real-world results say he survives.

Where in fuck's sake does that "f" even come from?

The Frs and Brz are pretty bad. Fuhrs? Burz?

Considering how you jumped on everyone else's cases for not taking you at face value, replying to you on the internet is rather unpleasant. Get mocked for taking you seriously, get scolded for not reading every word in every single comment you make and not taking it as gospel.


Isn't that why filenames have unusable characters? Like '*' and '\'? Or is it just that OSes are smart enough not to let us type those in?

Yeah, and in retrospect why would Lambo want to use Centuar level crap?

Haha, computers without internet access. What is this, the '90s?

No, probably Shimano. Maybe Sram if they want to keep it US-based. Almost certainly not Campagnolo though, those are reserved for crazy Italian sports cars.

That would either leave a lot of overlap and require constant double-shifting to get the ratios in the right order *or* have a massive jump in gearing for the O/D. The former is rather unlikely, and the latter might as well just be done inside the transmission for better efficiency and less failure points.

She has just don't get to control them.

Well, that's true of literally every other vehicle produced in pretty much forever. It's been the top selling vehicle for decades now, hasn't it?

Their page implies that single line plans are $55 and as low as $25/line. That seems unreasonably low.

Did you even read the article? It specifically says that it lasts for no more than a few minutes, and most likely no more than 5-10 seconds.

Well now that I've watched the first episode, I'll admit that I am less than impressed. Not giving up on it, but when the first episode puts me to sleep that's not a good sign.

...what? Mass has literally nothing to do with volume. Volume relates only to space.

Wait until you watch a full episode or four if you want to pass judgment. Right now you're just making assumptions based on a trailer. While you may end up being right in the end, you're doing nothing but guesswork and assumptions to get there.

For example, 'kindergarten'. Such a damn offensive term.

Ounce is also a measurement of weight. 1/16 of a pound, to be precise. (The default Wikipedia page for "ounce" is the unit of mass, while you have to search for "fluid ounce" to get the unit of volume. Not saying Wikipedia is perfect or anything, just letting you know that ounce is used for weight far more often

You mean like Pierce? And Leonard?