
I actually don't find her terribly sexy. But I disagree about her not meshing with the tone of the show. She's a bright spot in an otherwise dour world. She emphasizes things that others can't. She punctuates the narrative.

I'm sorry, did you say "too much Felicity"? Because it seems like you said "Too much Felicity". I don't think anybody's ever said that, and we'll all forgive you if you go back and delete your indiscretion here.

Except the PSOne wasn't called the PSOne until the actual PSOne version was released. The original console was abbreviated PSX long before the PS2 was a glimmer in Sony's eye. That and only like eight people know that there was an actual "PSX" console.

There is Thor, the person named Thor. Now there is Thor, the superhero with powers granted by Mjolnir. Why does everyone have their panties in a twist over the fact that she's picking up that name as her superhero persona?

But Thor is a title. There have been a lot of Thors in the Marvelverse.

What the hell? Seriously, if you want to quote a web page don't do it in a screenshot. That's disgusting.


And any combination of those, and whatever offset you use. That seems plenty secure.

It's definitely Tron Legacy bad. Except it's not actually bad because it has a downright solid story. The only real problems with it are A) the intro and B) the marketing. If you can ignore the bad marketing and get through the first 20 minutes, it's a solid film.

Oh come on, now you're just making words up.

That advice is less than useless for people that get wet underarms. Which are the people that get damp underarms when applying after a morning shower. Which are the people that need antipersperant. Which are the people that are reading this article.

There are too many posted to Facebook, but you'd be happy with just as many going into your inbox? Color me confused.

Just throwing this out there, but I had the following thought during the credits scene:

This is acceptable. But the fact that Picard never once got even so much as harmed by a bridge of any scale does make it canon that Picard > Kirk.

Yawn. Mothra doesn't do wanton destruction, and humans know Godzilla lives to fight other monsters. Switch Mothra with anything else, and the military with a haywire Mechagodzilla, hoever...

Apparently "falling off a small bridge" in this movie means "having a large catwalk collapse under you and get crushed to death in the carnage".

"say godzilla with a thick asian accent"

Too many syllables.

Does that make it okay to call Avatar "western anime"?

Sorry, but you're going to have to do better than that to troll us.