
I just really wanted to bitch about how lame Captain Kirk's death was, again, and sense the opportunity.

Delivered by the... recorded cases? No observation? Just "it could certainly happen" and "what could possibly happen is..."?

I think what's happening in this thread is a failure to remember all of the appropriate vocabulary. There's a specific distinct term that's appropriate and isn't being used. Batman Begins is an adaptation of a source material in a different format. Tim Burton's Batman is an adaptation of perhaps the same source

I haven't seen it in ages, but as a child it was incredible.

No way. 6 hours would barely give me enough time to peruse io9 in between the couple hours of actual work I do during the day.

Well crap, I need to stop doing the 80% Internet time and 20% productivity time. I had it backwards.

Hammerhead Eagle-i Thrust (aka Geoff)

What is power, you ask? Why, it is simple, Lord Varys. Power, you see, is work divided by time.

I see where they got their inspiration. (Mach 5 + Gulf Oil) * Lamborghini = Egoista

It seems like the obvious choice is to rename it the "Alumia."

Need I say more?

Oh Shane, I too feel your pain. My whole life I've just been looking for a man to decorate and mix my brew.

Well yeah, they're sharks. If we didn't kill that many per hour they'd have taken over the world like six hours ago.