The weather forecast in Atlanta was calling for a chance of a light dusting of snow. I'm sure if the weather forecast actually called for several inches, that would have drastically changed how things turned out.
The weather forecast in Atlanta was calling for a chance of a light dusting of snow. I'm sure if the weather forecast actually called for several inches, that would have drastically changed how things turned out.
Ignoring the ice and snow, of course.
Quit being a pedant and let us use our words however we like. Season is the US equivalent of series, and there's nothing you can do to change that.
Where in fuck's sake does that "f" even come from?
The Frs and Brz are pretty bad. Fuhrs? Burz?
Considering how you jumped on everyone else's cases for not taking you at face value, replying to you on the internet is rather unpleasant. Get mocked for taking you seriously, get scolded for not reading every word in every single comment you make and not taking it as gospel.
Yeah, and in retrospect why would Lambo want to use Centuar level crap?
No, probably Shimano. Maybe Sram if they want to keep it US-based. Almost certainly not Campagnolo though, those are reserved for crazy Italian sports cars.
That would either leave a lot of overlap and require constant double-shifting to get the ratios in the right order *or* have a massive jump in gearing for the O/D. The former is rather unlikely, and the latter might as well just be done inside the transmission for better efficiency and less failure points.
She has just don't get to control them.
Well, that's true of literally every other vehicle produced in pretty much forever. It's been the top selling vehicle for decades now, hasn't it?
Their page implies that single line plans are $55 and as low as $25/line. That seems unreasonably low.
Wow, that's pretty crazy. Anything end up happening on this front? (I don't mean "did you take her for that test drive", just if he's actually gotten back in touch or anything.)
Buying two bigscreens, eh?
Then the guy that was doing the jumping would have no battery...
Play the game, and you'll know why.
You see like 75% of him in the trailer, so they're clearly not trying to keep it hidden.
Pretty sure it turns on music and lighting, dispenses cocaine, and hires strippers.