
Because she's so unrealistic to begin with in a game with very stylized art direction.

Well he shouldn't be punished, but the whole team should. And the punishment should match the infraction as best it can—for something like this, they forfeit the race, pay a fine, and have their specs checked before the next five races. That'll keep them honest much better than effectively just having to get a new

That's not the point. The point is that the engines all have to conform to a uniform maximum, which his did not. Give leeway to him here and you start giving leeway in other places and all of a sudden all of your rules no longer matter because they're discretionary.

"Love" is Gawker for being faintly annoyed by finding something interesting.

What is this nonsense. White on black is superior, hands down. The only reason we use black on white is as a holdover from physical print.

Huh? Awakening was a sequel to LttP. So are the Oracle games.

You mean like UD weaves and 12K weaves?

Yeah, he actually said exactly that.

Wouldn't this have to involve approximately three guys and a 3:4:5 length ratio?

Where do you see that it's fixed? I haven't seen anything indicating that, so I have a feeling that it's just a single speed freewheel in the back. a cadence of 135 at 100mph seems awfully dangerous fixed. I mean it sounds dangerous on any bike, but at least you can coast down when you hit your wall.

UPS has been doing this for years, so I doubt they "recently" found it out. There was a Mythbusters episode a year or two ago that tested this, as well.

What? How is being baptized analagous to spitting on Allah? Spitting on Jesus is analagous to that, sure...but isn't this a little closer to "Press X to go to Mecca"?

Naw, he's a Lannister. He gets a gold hand!

Season three is only supposed to cover about half of book three, give or take.

"Cure"? This is no more a cure than diatomaceous earth or sticky paper or putting your bed's feet in glass. It can stop the bedbugs betting to you, but doesn't help if they're in your mattress/frame/bedding. This does nothing that can't already be done.

Ankle spanker, old blind Bob, hanging Johnny, pork sword, mutton dagger, engine cranker, Beaver Cleaver...But I do use wang in actual conversation a lot because it's the goofiest sounding wang word out there.

Umm...I don't think you understand what a wing is. Those are not legs, just the upper half of the wing. The two-bone section Is everything below the chicken's elbow, the one-bone section is everything between the elbow and shoulder. Both are wing parts.


Hayters gon' hate.

Apparently you confused the last five minutes of the game with THE ENTIRE GAME. ME3 was entirely about the culmination of all of the actions and decisions made in the first two games. Everything you do has an effect, just not on the very last scene.