
Apparently nobody dies of old age...

Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by my pose...I probably could have worded it a little nicer. There's nothing wrong with using what you prefer, I just wanted to post a counterpoint for those that haven't used clipless pedals before. They seem scary and have a small learning curve, but nearly everyone that uses them

Ahh, I see. I misunderstood you. Pretty interesting concept and does give you the benefit of not needing cycling-specific shoes. I've actually not heard of anything like this before. These have a two-hole pattern with no adjustable lug though, so you don't get any room for adjustment in the fore-aft direction, and

Please add this completely important bit to the article:

Well I hope you never wreck with platform pedals, because that means you'll ditch cycling altogether right? If you crashed and you blame it on your pedals, you're doing it wrong. Blame yourself for not learning how to use your equipment.

The trick is to, you know, do those 2-3 falls in a parking lot. Then you've got them out of the way, will never fall again, and won't die in traffic.

Use clipless pedals for an hour and you'll never fall because you can't bail in time unless you're completely inept. It takes no extra time to escape from clipless pedals once you've done it more than, maybe, three times.

Using old-fashioned cages is not a great idea. You cannot freely release from strap-on cages at will, and our foot can easily get caught in regular clips. Most cyclists that aren't hipsters refer to them as deathtraps, and for good reason. This is something that should have been pointed out in the article—clipless

You use the original controllers.

Works fine for me.

Really, you don't think the Woodbury Militia will just dissolve without the Governor? Hell naw, his death would rally everyone against the prison. As is it's just one nutcase and some cronies that want a war. Imagine how fucked the prison would be if the entire village wanted revenge for assassinating their leader.

But you're not considering lag time. If I have a 9ms ping, that means there will be a delay between when I make an input and when it appears on screen. People with anything more than maaaaybe 10ms simply won't be able to play because of nutso input lag. And what about when your internet stutters or has a bad day or

Just because it's a "chemical" doesn't mean it's bad for you. You do know that coffee and tea are made of hundreds of chemicals right? They just happen to be natural. You know what else is a natural chemical? Arsenic.

You have to keep in mind though that a significant amount of coffee drinkers, in fact probably most of them put cream and sugar and artificial sweeteners and all kinds of crap in their coffee. And that's certainly not good for you. Yeah some energy drinks can be pretty offensive, but you just need to take a little

Just being a synthetic chemical doesn't mean it's poison. Literally everything in the universe is a chemical, most are natural chemicals. Most food has synthetic chemicals, all it means is "manmade stuff".

Of course we all do. But we all also have Comcast, Cox, or Time Warner and I think we all know what that means...

Yeah, thing is most people are a wee bit too dumb to realized that PCs have a shit-ton of overhead going on that the PS4 won't have to worry about—and the PS4 has a dedicated co-processor for non-gaming tasks.