
Well, Dropbox probably loves me for maxing out my references, that's how I got all of the space there. 512MB per reference adds up fast. SkyDrive grandfathered me into 25GB for having used it since the start, and I don't really know why Box was giving 50GB away to mobile users. I only use the Dropbox because

Well, I've got 24.75GB free on my Dropbox account, so I think the others are really going to have to step their game up if they want me.

You see, that question is a trick. If you read a story question about the order of the alphabet, and had the following question:

The wisest animal was the owl, how can you not see that? He's an owl.

Really, only 7ish on Verizon? I reoutinely get over 14.

I don't know exactly how you see all of that as an issue. If Valve makes a custom PC runinng Windows, they'll easily be able to give it an interface that won't require you to ever install a driver or fiddle with backgroud processes.

VOTE: Logitech Harmony

I'm working on trying to come up with a solid, but simple, backup solution for my company's corporate office. It's relatively small (~10 employees on any given day, up to fifteen or so on a busy one), and I was thinking we could get away with one or two of ioSafe's disaster-proof disks. With user PCs making daily

"Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor.

I'm not quite following what you mean, how can a continent not be geographically correct?

Also the cost of buying a new device, multiple stores, ease of format compatibility, night reading (and don't give me that daylight crap, how much time do you actually spend reading in the fucking desert?), RSS readers, magazines, textbooks... How about the simple fact that a dedicated reader does nothing that a

Really? I use PS3MS with practically nothing changed and have no problems whatosever. Are you streaming over WiFi?

MKV is a relatively meaningless descriptor. Think of the ".mkv" part as the box that your video comes in. What really matters is how the video is encoded (h.264, for example). h.264 can go in several containers, such as MKV and MP4.

Just because I had to move into an apartment with a tiny kitchen doesn't mean I'm going to ditch my $200 stand mixer to make room. You don't always get the kitchen you want, so if you're someone like me that's coming from a large kitchen with a lot of devices that I use regularly , you just have to do what you can to

Next time you toss a fifteen minute video at us, why not actually describe what it's about? I had the option of watching the video or searching around on my own, but no clue whatosever from the article.

I'm going to advise heading to a mechanic at that point.

It's not a huge deal, but it's always best to play it safe and go with the recommended. Also, make sure to go down one or two weights in the winter to make up for the cold increasing its viscosity.

I love losing half of stereo sound hand having a frayed wire flopping around. Good call.

Famine and Conquest. Those are the other horsemen.

I assume you mean Conquest. Famine and pestilence are boringly similar, and I have no idea why some people have them as two of the horsemen. In the bible, it's Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. Conquest leads to war, war causes famine, and death comes of it all.