
@Bill-Lee: Or the Vikings sucked at art because they were too busy murdering stuff. There's no way a race that manly would worship something that they believed to look like that.

@se7a7n7: Old Testament! All religions have been around since the invention of dirt.

@Google: Privacy is Job 1: Yeah, good call. Dropping a few grand to fill up an iPod is something that everybody can afford.

@Sigismond0: Oh yeah, and that whole thing where the new Batman films are shot in Chicago just makes it feel more Gothamy.

@Wolf_Dog: Yeah, I think Gotham was supposed to be based more on Chicago because of the many dark alleys. Dunno where I read that, though.

@Pat Chan: Very open in that you can go backwards, but most of the island is closed off for a large portion of the game.

@ImmaLion: The problem is, that to make it be universally orientable it has to be round. HDMI has nineteen pins. Imagine a round connector that has nineteen rings!

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Which were predated by BILLIONS of years by single-celled prokaryotes ad eukaryotes, none of which lay eggs.

@D.LYTE: Headphone jack! No orientation issues there. Sticking it in the wrong whole, however, is a problem that has plagued mankind for centuries.

@ImmaLion: HDMI. Firewire (All of 'em). Ethernet. Display port. VGA. DVI. SATA. Parallel port. eSATA. IDE. TOSLINK. Apple Dock Connector. Micro USB, Mini USB, USB-B of all sizes. For that matter, SD cards and all other storage devices. NES, SNES, N64, GC, PS1, PS2, Xbox, Genesis, SMS, and every other

@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: Just get any old one, root it and then have whatever you want on it. As a tablet, I'd be happy with anything 2.0 or newer, just because that gives compatibility with nearly every app out there and will upgrade relatively fast.

@slim934: 1:1 proven? No. But is there a causal relationship? Absolutely.

@Batman: Yup, you're totally right. Because flashcarts haven't existed for years and years, replicating the shape of the DSI slot and loading games with micro-SD. Totally not the case, and having the weird-shaped cartridge is what saved the DS from having rampant piracy!

::shifty eyes::

@ian.nai: Yeah, it generally cools off alright. If it's 95 during the day, it will be down to 80 by midnight.

@Justin L.A.: Having lived in Chicago for the last four years, and Illinois for my entire life, I feel the need to clear up what the weather is like around here.