
So I guess that whole ionizing radiation thing that they do...not good enough?

My thoughts: It's a great thing because it takes away some of the anonymity that makes the internet a terrible place. When people know that other people know who they are, they act like...well, more like real people and less like internet jerkoffs.

Last Story, Final Fantasy, what's next? Ultimate Tale? Closing Anecdote? Terminal Saga? Latest Fable?

@RawheaD: I'm afraid you've got me all wrong. The problem I have is that an incredibly large majority of artists take this route rather than seeing everything.

You know what I hate about artists like this? Invariably, the second that the monkey turns into man, he picks up a weapon. From that point on, every evolution of man is nothing more than a guy picking up a different gun.

@PathRifter: Wait...FFXII looks like trash on an HD screen?

@xPACKERSFANx: Yeah, good call. I'll go buy a PS2 and these games. That would surely be cheaper and of better quality than HD releases for the PS3.

Wait...really? I remember playing as the Master Hand at least four years ago. So either I'm a SSBM god, or everybody else just sucks.

@gemcosta: It's the same cable/receiver, just put in an AV device rather than on a NIC. Cables by definition are all just some number of wires bound together with some sort of end. They can be used for absolutely anything, since they're the same on the inside.

Something that's always worked 100% perfectly in our place: Buy your own food.

@b-radicate: It could have. MGS4 couldn't. FFXIII couldn't. Other exclusives couldn't. But games that are exactly the same on PS3/Xbox/PC and come on one disc for the Bawks will be regular DVD-sized on the PS3 as well.

@SudhamayiKabong: You're right, but you're still getting games nonetheless. Most games that they are going to provide I won't want to play for more than a year anyway, so it wouldn't be a huge loss if I were to drop my subscription. And I can always re-subscribe later on and get them all back.

@Dennen: You tell the console when to wake up and check. So for me, it will pop on around 5AM and take a peek for updates. If there are any, they download and install, then it goes back to sleep. Then it will give a notification about what updates were installed the next time you boot.

@stop2: If you read the official word from Sony, it says that you can schedule the PS3 to wake up every so often and look for updates.

What? Something that is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and DOES NOT AFFECT ME IN ANY WAY IF I CHOOSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE. How infuriating! How could Sony do this? It's so much worse than the Xbox Live, where I get content (Unlocking the online content of games I already bought) for my money. This only gets me discounts and free

What? Something that is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and DOES NOT AFFECT ME IN ANY WAY IF I CHOoSE NOT TO PARTICIPATE. How infuriating! How could Sony do this? It's so much worse than the Xbox Live, where I get content (Unlocking the online content of games I already bought) for my money. This only gets me discounts and

@dragonfire312: You can get a used one on Amazon for around $200. I got a Slim last week for $250. Good deals all around.

Never would have thought anybody would have said this, but...

@Altima NEO: Yeah, once you put the game in and start playing. Or rather wait to play because there's a 200MB update to waste your time. This will do it when you're not playing I assume).

@Sugoi: Steam got me, that's for sure.