
@Tem Dejima: Yeah, I haven't played this game in far too long. Forgot about the second whistle. D:

Since when can you warp directly to World 8 from World 1?

Oh, like that! It's a good thing we can see images on here so that we know what you're talking about.

@LAGamer: Yeah, but it seems very likely that the four accounts on a family plan will be tied together to prevent friends from taking advantage of it. It's not called a friends pla, you know.

It's the smallest leap of radiant energy better than anything that's out there?

@nintendude: Yeah except for that whole thing where fraud is illegal...

@NuevoLeon: That and there's that whole "find my iPhone" thing or whatever it's called, so there's no excuse. Until the battery dies.

@Sigismond0: The only plus to the "lose $12/mo" plan is that it will get you a replacement phone for $200 if it is lost, stolen, or totaled. But it's useless for just about anything else.

Damn...$12/mo, plus I have to pay half of the price of a replacement or the entire cost of any repair that costs less than $200? What a waste of an "insurance" plan. More like a "lose $12/mo" plan.

All of this is true, and I use it to make fun of Warries. But, I started brainstorming as to whether a device like a lightsaber would be doable without lasers. My solution? Plasma! We already have very small lightsabers with bulky boxes that plug into walls, and we call them plasma torches. It's just a matter of

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: I agree with that second half. If they're giving us 4:3 source material on our 16:9 screens, then by all means put something over on the sides. Just don't crop it. If I want to crop it, I will.

@ThomasWolfSwe: No, trust me. There are people that are that stupid. Don't give non-techies the benefit of the doubt, because they often fall woefully short.

@paradox: Nah, there are plenty of devices that are released without major hardware issues. But with Apple? Have they released a notebook in the last five years that didn't have graphics card issues? And screens, oh boy screens.

It's hard for me to be surprised. It just wouldn't be a new Apple product release without some sort of major hardware flaw.

Batman is crazy if the current writer wants him to be. He's cold and logical most of the time.

The worst part is having to convince the people you live with that you don't need to keep them. Especially not from the past three years...