
@djmashedman: It wouldn't be any worse for the screen than having a red wallpaper.

Why isn't this Yoshi? Kirby doesn't use a lasso, he sucks! Yoshi has the whole tongue and spit thing, which looks like the main mechanic of this game—and Yoshi's games have set precedent for transforming into vehicles and such.

@coolbho3000: Fair enough. I'm probably just thinking of how expensive G/N routers are compared to A/B/G .

@Incoherent: Oh nice. I'd love a controller with glorious car paint that I could wax and buff. And I'm only being a bout one-third sarcastic.

@Ridley: Oh, I understand that. And it's nice, for sure. But there's no way they're releasing the 3DS with just N-band, because most people are still on G. So it'll either be G or dual-band, and I'm hoping not the latter for price reasons.

Buy a couple of cans of vinyl dye (one white for priming, one of whatever color you want) and you can have it red. Or white. Or pink if that's your thing.

You know, there's no need for N-band on something like this. G gets up to 54mbps, which would amount to just a few seconds of download time for games.

My first thought was "Well, this is going to be my reaction to every single game released for the DS from now on..."

Hello, Android tablet...

@Zazu_Yen: Not to mention stray soccer balls and other toys.

@Andrew Pollack: Yeah...because nobody wants to have a good-looking lawn. Why would anybody do that if they aren't working in sports? It's not like people see shitty lawns and think "Wow must be a slob living here, he can't even mow straight."

I'm trying hard to be surprised.

@ThisCharmingMan: Probably just for the demo. I hope. Will be more like Twilight princess in all likelihood.

@BK Beezy: Just under a full year after the DSLite. Which puts it a full three years after the DS came out. If that holds true, we won't get Pokemon Brown and Grey for the 3ds for another three years.

@TalKeaton: Every Puzzle Has an Answer!: Has that actually been confirmed at all? I know it wasn't mentioned during the DSi keynote though, and that's probably all the confirmation needed.

@Bard of Awen: Not likely, if the screen is stereoscopic. The pixels will be fixed for U/D/L/R movement, and the slider will adjust depth.

@rentahero1: Yes, yes you can. And props for not giving in.

@超外人: No camera. No. It's stereoscopic, not parallax.

@b-radicate: I feel the same way. Except for Pokemon will come out before the new model, so I have no way of avoiding buying the first model...