
@HK-47: Oh hyperbole, what would the internet do without you? Why, it would have to try to find real things to make fun of, rather than just accept the fact that every few years companies like to make redesigns.

@Anonymoose: And now that you've read an article that says it works flawlessly, you don't want it?

@zeroprime: We'll never be too old for this, brother.

It's not like Zelda games ever really had camera control anyway. Z centered the camera behind you and (up)C put you in first person. Worked in OoT, MM, and TP. Wind Waker is a cheater.

@Paradox me: Yeah, I've always been fine with the first person button and the camera centering button. Not having camera control here is no different than having no camera control in every other 3D Zelda game.

It's possible to flash just the recovery sector of your Android device to get NANDroid without rooting. It's worked well for me, and is the perfect in-between of rooting and this.

@t3knomanser: Ahh, see I was under the impression that he was the thirteenth Doctor, and that the time lords were going to reward him with more regenerations for dealing with the Doctor.

@t3knomanser: That'd be risky business. They'd be casting 13 many years in advance. And getting the same guy to be the Valeyard now and then again in four or five years? Not so easy. And they couldn't explain the new face as a regeneration if that happened.

@Corvus-Corax: Still two deaths away from getting there. But that can't happen soon enough.

@m57: That seems to be the general consensus. Apple gave us fire wire and it was cool for a few years and now it sucks.

@taoprophet420: Hard to forget it when it's what every person with a computer uses every day.

@tedknaz: Wait, firewire was good?

Is it bad that the first thing I thought was "[Launching probe. Lithium deposit found.] Alright, only 5200 more lithium before I can get Legion's special ability."?

@Smeagol92055: I have to second this. As much as I believe that TNG was the defining Trek series, the one that made even non-geeks want to watch; well, I just have to admit DS9 was the most fun series to watch.

Tired of little prom princess sized phones? Want a full-sized phone that will pull your pants down if you put it in your pocket without a belt on? Droid does.

@silver-bolt: Well, it was actually a pick-and-grind at the League of shadows. They refined it for use in Gotham.

@silver-bolt: Like I said, magical powerful hallicinogenics that literally scare you to death and also just happen to occur naturally. (Not to mention that whole "microwaves that only evaporate water but don't in any way affect the people right next to it or anything else, for that matter" bullshit method of

@Jux: OMAP at 750 would knock the pants off of a 1GHz Snapdragon and then pull them back down, just so it could knock them off again.

@NeoAkira: OMAP at 750 would knock the pants off of a 1GHz Snapdragon and then pull them back down, just so it could knock them off again.