
@The_Geb: Why not? Venom isn't really all that less plausible than Ra's Al Ghul's super magic scary gas.

If it's Nolan's last Batman film, could there be a better place for Bane to make the Knight fall?

@crimsoneye: And don't forget all of the Giz bashing that has happened since the whole iPhone 4 debacle.

One of my favorite things to point out about cyborg rights is how athletes are treated. Athletes with prosthetic legs are often labeled as cheaters, and treated as though they purposefully got their prosthesis to be better and participate in the sport because they have an advantage.

@medopal: So yeah, clearly nobody here actually understands the problem. When you have 500+ wireless networks occupying one building, nobody gets a good connection because of the interference.

@—Tito—: Hey did you hear that saying douchey as many times as possible makes you cooler? I think you did.

@medopal: Except for the interference from the over five hundred wireless hotspots...

@Smidget: I figured as much, but figured why not give him the mobile option, as well.

@Smidget: You could alwaysskip out on some DLC and buy a DS and all of its GH and RB games for your on-the-go fix.

@FeatherNET [ :D ]: Actually, you could buy a console, a full band set, all of the Guitar hero and Rock Band games, and a good chunk of the DLC for the same price of the iPhone, its two year contract, and all of the data overage fees you will get for no longer being able to have unlimited data.

Well, the assets look about right.

Well, the assets look about right.

"What sinister plot is behind the copy + paste that warrants the execution of one of Mario's closest friends?"

@gibson_se: I've thought about this before, and the only reasonable method I could find is to build a platform above the bed, on which you put your desk and chair. Of course, you probably want the chair with its back to a wall just to be safe.

@ryoshi: wut ar u talkin about ninten had a black console b4 sony did it was called the n64 maybe you heard about it sony copied nintendo

Chiptunes are the greatest! I'm going to have to fight hard to resist the urge to make one of these for every person in my phone...

And now for the extra-extra credit: