
I hope this is good, I've been craving another WWII shooter.

Looks beautiful, personally I could do without the modern day aspects of the story, or trying to link them together. I just wish they focused on experiencing amazing moments in history without the interruption.

My god do I hope so, I am so fed up with particular aspect in AC.

2014 Naga is the best mouse I have ever used by a fair margin.

I don't know, I'm getting a sort of Tomb Raider vibe from the actual gameplay, and to me, that's a good thing. Not too mention, it's beautiful. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about it.

I'm a pretty big fan of it so far, I do think the environments don't often support the level of free flow running I was expecting, and you end up falling or face planting way more often than I'd like. Also, something about when you shoot a target doesn't have the same effect as other shooters. I think I'm used to

I play MMO's and the 2014 Naga is far and away the best gaming mouse I've ever used. But as others said if you don't need that many buttons you may want to do another route.

You can enjoy something that is "bad" as well as hate something that is "good". Love or hate these films, they are truly bad. (sorry if this has been posted 50 times, I'm not going to read them all lol)

Just bought Game of Thrones S1-2... grumble grumble.

I like my PS3 more than my X1, I hope no one falls for this, especially since you can get more than 100 for a ps3 easy.

Very nice, thank you!

It is unfortunate that people behave this way, but as long as there is anonymity and sad adults or children online, this isn't going to change.

Plus, you get a PC, not just Steam. (unless I'm mistaken on the full purpose of this, I thought it was just for games)

I agree, with environment graphics this good it really brings out the flaws in everything else, it actually brings the overall look of the game down in my opinion, too big of a contrast.

Couldn't have said it better myself, so I'm not going to try.

That is insane, it's taking me ages just to go from 13-14. Even if you added my 60k Achievements to my PSN I'd be no where near 100. And I actually try to get every trophy/achievement possible -.-

Usually, yes. I would assume that is not the case for this, as the videos would have been taken down in minutes like usual.

I would guess it's just empty threats since legal action would cost far more than the price of a Vita, especially since the wording of the law seems to be on the consumers side in this case.

So they were unaware of the issue and then proceeded to threaten you when you brought it their attention with obvious intentions of doing right... wow, I would have been furious.

There is no decided benefit to playing them chronologically, but yes, play them both!