
He was really amused lol

Makes me think of Resident Evil and Final Fantasy VII to this day.

Has there been any news at all on a fix? It's getting very old waiting.

My condolences =(

Yeah, I hate to sound like a whiner but synching is beyond annoying, I assumed they would have fixed something that should be, presumably, simple to fix.

Indeed, sadly this one puts the rest to shame. Last straw for me, time to give BF4 a shot

Maybe I misunderstood your comment, I read it as "you're fucking retarded to buy both consoles if you don't have much free time" in which case I would say it's none of your business what he spends his money on, and if his free time is limited, all the more reason to fill it with what he enjoys.

You are only allowed to buy something you want if you get to use it for loads of time each week?

I think I have to play this game again, damnit...

Your PSN from PS3 doesn't carry over to PS4? The trophies do, so what am I missing?

They really should make it possible to change it, people change over time. You would think if Microsoft can do it then Sony would be able to if they really wanted.

I just bought all 3 Fatal Frame games, RAGE!!!

Zelda 3DS sells for a ton, I'd ebay it and buy the new one. You can't guarantee this will be available for Christmas

Thanks for the heads up, just yesterday Gamestop wasn't taking pre-orders. Got mine locked down now!

People still feeding the trolls I see. -sigh-

Way to miss an excellent opportunity to completely over react.

You're my hero.

It will almost certainly be for vanity, even the awesome looking Behemoth/Odin gear sets are complete crap. You'll see a million of them at first then they will get stored away with the other million vanity items.

There is a theory about the ending to the story of "A Realm Reborn" that would explain why Lightning shows up in the game, and she won't be the only one...