

I'm so ok glad we're past the poor Melania married to a narcissist. She is horrible and always had been

Aren’t there security issues with leaving Mel’s aides out of helicopters and hotel rooms? It just seems like this kind of petty bitchery leads to a lot more hassle and risk than it’s worth.

I feel like they all deserve each other. 

A vain former model that married an even more vile sexual abuser 24 years her senior (for money) engages in petty back-biting. Color me shocked.

All of these abominable people deserve each other 

Melania seems all-around horrid, though no person with a shred of dignity, decency, and kindness would throw their lot in with Trump.  I wonder how she treats her staff. I'm going to go with "disdainfully".

So long, Babyjail Nielsen. Hope the crimes against humanity were worth it!

UGH, these two disgust me.  I laugh at Ivanka’s “aspirations”, if her hubby doesn’t end up sharing a cell with Donnie Jr, they most certainly would have to move to some deep south red state to run for anything because they wouldn’t elect her to pick up dog crap here in the Tri-State area.

Can I ask, if I am the only one who is turned off by these (white) women on dating apps, who take pictures with black children like they’re a god damned Llama the women saw on their last trip to Machu Picchu?

I’m sure we’ll have many years’ worth of memoirs and tell-alls from rats fleeing the Trumptanic

Right off to hell, that won’t have them because they’re full up with hypocritical lying assholes, thanks.

They're like abused spouses. Quite representative of what Trump has turned the whole country into.

This is like when Omarosa was shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, that the Trump White House was racist. But, you know, after she left and needed to plug her book.

[Trump] said to me, ‘Name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole,’

It’d be less offensive to me if Melania simply took $95,000 in cash, raked it into a giant pile and burned it. Jesus christ, I don’t get reimbursed for taking a client to lunch if I don’t have a receipt. What the fuck did all of that pay for?

Her half day in Cairo would’ve covered my disability costs for 6+ years.

Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.

I vaguely remember hearing that he’s estranged from his brother.

oh good lord... not a born again... those are the worst