She was just not botoxed enough
She was just not botoxed enough
I watched Arlen Parsa’s video about twenty times in a row last night. It felt good.
She’s right, literally nobody should feel bad for her.
“Why is it that we perceive people who are in politics as caricatures?”
I’m not meaning to be awful here, but I am also about to be sort of awful: couldn’t someone of Shayk’s means afford a boob job that does not look like two footballs affixed to her sternum? Or is that...the point?
No one has friends like Bart though. You have to give him credit for that. Do you have any friends as loyal as PJ, Skinny Bert, Joe B., Fat Bert, Rapin’ Kevin, and Judgey? Also Rapin’ Kevin doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s about farts.
If the current editors of Time had been in charge in 1945 Hitler and 6 million Jews would have gotten equal consideration on the most influential list. Gotta present both sides after all.
McCain responded that “people are smart,” which Behar countered with “so am I.”
“can have allowance now?” lol
I approve. The kid (and probably his entire class) will have every last one of his private messages and emails related to the incident subject to discovery now.
It's so obviously a lawsuit designed to take down the WaPo. Hopefully, Bezos will stand his ground no matter the cost.
I have never wished death on so many people as I have in these last two years.
“She’s working so hard,”
Shit comes in many shades
Hands show your real age.
I forgot about the ballerinas! That was magical.
Is it just me or is she increasingly getting browner everytime I see her?
Aren’t there security issues with leaving Mel’s aides out of helicopters and hotel rooms? It just seems like this kind of petty bitchery leads to a lot more hassle and risk than it’s worth.