Thanks for adding to my stress levels about our great nation falling apart!!!!!!
Thanks for adding to my stress levels about our great nation falling apart!!!!!!
She may be auditioning as Melania’s replacement.
Perhaps there was something on her resume that made many of those NY firms disinclined from hiring her.
“The Republicans have now won 8 out of 9 House Seats, yet if you listen to the Fake News Media you would think we are being clobbered. Why can’t they play it straight, so unfair to the Republican Party and in particular, your favorite President!”
Maybe he’ll fall and impail himself on the paddle.
John James has a name that’s so generic and anonymous that Trump will use it for the next round of pornstar payout NDA’s
I am mystified why Putin thinks an obese delusional has-been with improbable hair and a long history of alleged sexual assaults would ever be acceptable to America.
Dennis Rodman is North Korean and Seagal is down with Russia. What evil PR genius came up with the idea of crap bag wash ups teaming with super villains was a good idea? The after life of a shitty life is mesmerizing when it happens in real life.
This must be Q
I don’t care. Fuck her and fuck Michael Jordan too. Neither one of them “took a stance”.
Plus people who weren’t the most rational and reasonable in the first place can still decline.
It is also disrespectful to hoebags.
you’re not a gardener if the knees of your jeans aren’t completely wrecked by the time you’re done. Never mind that her back’s gonna be a mess from all that hunching over. *kisses teeth*
“Hmm. We need to make this sound like a 14 yr. old. Hey, let’s add a grammatical error!” -Social media PR team, after meetings with IG, agent, managers, and paid sponsors.
Hot take: in that picture they look like they could be siblings.
You’re welcome.
Bingo Gubelmann
is Bingo is even a real name?? Just like Dingo??
“Exclusively what and restricted to whom?”
It’s Manhattan, the same amount of lemonade in a cafe would be $5.