
What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.

Make no mistake: fuck both these hos. They are just as slime-covered, grifting and duplicitous as the Orange Menace. In a way, I find them worse because they don’t have his spectacular mental defects and they provide him badly-needed cover. There is literally nothing they will not do for money. the guillotine is way

I think she’s just a failure as a human being. There’s probably not a lot going on upstairs but she’s been elevated to this position by virtue of being a trophy wife. She’s wholly unqualified to rise to the occasion and make a substantial difference. Can you imagine if Michelle Obama was in this situation as First


Melania is a garbage person. She is a “model” and knows something about clothing choices. This was a purposeful decision made by a racist birther that will make her racist birther husband happy/less enraged. This administration is so “fuck you” to everyone, and loves picking on people who can’t fight back. I CAN’T

It’s even better/worse because of all the unanswered questions about how Melania got her citizenship.

Grifters are so cute and funny and charming right up until the point where they steal billions of dollars or dump poison into the environment or start separating children from their parents. The key is moderation, I think; figuring out the fine line between reading about one in a news article and then moving on vs.

yes - let’s keep rewarding shitty people. that has been working out so well for our society. how about Shonda, Margot and Jennifer say no thanks and let this little thief rot in jail in anonymity where she belongs? Be best.

I think the possible major problem with Republicans is that they have this amazing tendency to fail upwards and so it reinforces the idea that they are the smartest people in the room. It leaves the cruelty of their ideology unexamined.

I really feel like we are sitting on a powder keg and something has got to give. Just one spark and shit is going to go off. Both domestically and foreign policy wise, I have a deep sense of foreboding.

Not much branching in their family trees by the looks of it.

It’s a political Rorschach test: do you see a stubborn, ignorant baby or a resilient maverick (barf)?

The leader of the free world is Angela Merkel.

Well in that case, as a flaming liberal socialist snowflake, I can think of nothing that would upset me more than trump supporters using their precious firearms to shoot off their own dicks. Yessiree, NOTHING would be more upsetting than that! I sure hope they don’t find out that is kryptonite for Liberals!

That’s what it’s all about, right there.

The trump supporters are fucking creaming in their pants after his performance there. A tweet from James Wood said no matter what happens next his vote was worth it just because of this.

God, that picture. It looks like she’s thinking, “This fucking moron” and crying inside remembering what it was like when Obama was there.

At this point I am just assuming that Trump is plotting a coup with the Russians. He’s doing all he can to weaken the stability of our country. Instilling race riots, tearing down infrastructure, selling out to the highest bidder, allowing cyber terror to continue etc etc.