Apparently Newsweek wants to become the go-to magazine for people who find The National Enquirer too challenging a read.
is lil tay short for elizabeth taylor the same way bobby flay is short for robert flavor and elon musk is elongated muskrat?
Ivanka has neither the warmth, nor the depth...
Ivanka Trump is a vapid cocksocket. My only regret in saying so is that I have no words strong enough to inflict upon her even an iota of the pain anguish her father causes and she condones.
Working hard...doing what, exactly???
There’s still Tom Hanks and John Oliver on the good side, at least for now...
What I find interesting is that this is the only area where he seems to prioritize “collective good” over “individual freedom”. In every other context, he says that if you need something (healthcare, a job, etc.) it’s on you to get it and it’s not society’s responsibility to guarantee that you have it. But when it…
I think he sounds more Kermit.
What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who…
Lol. He is not ignorant. He knows exactly why he needs to play down the Me Too movement. Years before Weinsteins assault and harrassment stories were aired, Travolta was in the news for the exact same thing. Multiple victims with similar stories, some of whom forfeited anonimity and all of whom were ripped to shreds…
When I was a little kid I had myself a crush on John Travolta. I was at a State Fair with my family and I won a mirror with his silhouette on it. This was the late 70's, those little mirrors were popular. I was in love with my Travolta mirror! I took loving care of it, wiping it every day with glass cleaner. I didn’t…
It’s hard to know stuff when you’re busy quietly settling out of court with the multitudes of men you’ve sexually harassed and/or blackmailed.
For a full week? That seems excessive for removing a benign tumor...? That government healthcare must be nice.
Give her a nice big frame from Tiffany’s they never used and just have lying around.
Be Best, kidney
Agreed. I particularly liked this bit:
If we had a functioning government, Department of Labor or even the Justice Department (a lot of the sexual harassment is technically considered a civil rights violation) they would investigate the companies. But no, regulations and government are evil.
Institutions investigating themselves are a waste of time.