Maybe she works for the Trump Organization
Maybe she works for the Trump Organization
Considering what Trump has said about her father, that she’s defending him at all for anything at all says everything about her.
I read that as “jezebel goats.”
There must be at least one high school story that tells us everything we need to know about him.
At least now he’ll be able to pay his lawyers.
Look out! Here comes the Schneiderman!
I hope you’re right. I want to believe there’s some economic justice out there awaiting this family of grifters, but I think it’s more likely that generations of dimwitted, unremarkable, chinless Trumps are all but assured lives of gaudy excess and self-satisfied entitlement.
The only way she can redeem herself slightly from her role in enlarging the Trump gene pool significantly is if she goes straight from her divorce attorney’s office to Mueller’s, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m convinced this is all just an attempt to grab as many assets for herself and her demon spawn before…
Jared. He isn’t doing much these days and has the requisite ignorance for the position. You can dump all the chemicals you want for the bargain basement price of $1.2 billion. But don’t delay, this deal expires February 2019.
He really shouldn’t be be crying wolf about things like rape when he’s probably headed for prison.
Pretty sure he’d still do it now if that were the case. Just the mere mention of the size of his hands, and he’d be whipping it out for the WH press corps, Ronny Jackson would extol its measurements, and John Kelly would be barking from a lectern comparing it to black guys.
I have to believe it’s sour and curdled to explain his children.
Plus she’s going into a gilded cage, even if by choice. So the lucky felon has more freedom than she does.
The sad thing is, I think the spokesperson’s description is probably pretty close to who she is and what she does, which is nobody and nothing. Her life is one giant spring break viewed through the squint of a human mannequin that is not exactly alive but has just enough awareness and agency to spew birther nonsense…
GenX representing here. We’re the Jan Brady of generations, sandwiched between two larger attention-sucking generations. Boomers gave birth to Millennials and raised them in their image, to the chagrin and consternation of GenX who had to first babysit then manage millennials in the workplace. Although tbh, they’re…
Her every utterance is a brain fart filtered through middle management jargon and corporatespeak, but coming out of Kremlin Barbie’s mouth it is met with encomiums and flowers are laid at her feet.
Only one person in his Rolodex he needs to call.