
You’d be a terrible person if you didn’t. She’s Hair Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels. And even if she weren’t, there’s just something about the gestalt of her face, the perpetual scowl, the look of disgust and condescension as if everyone and everything is her inferior and she’s simply tolerating their existence, that evokes

I think the current occupant of the White House has demonstrated that intelligence, integrity, wisdom, competence, maturity, grace and empathy have nothing to do with age. These kids are his and most of his adminstration’s superior in every way.

Agreed. Scott Hamilton is such a class act. I’m old school, I prefer for it to be about the commentary rather than the commentators.

Or a Caligula

He’s unbeatable bc bigots, electoral college and Russia. If she — or really, anyone — gets the Russian troll demographic, then she has the other two locked up.

Liz Taylor tried that and <goes off to google Larry Fortensky> it did not end well. Nothing against construction workers, but maybe don’t marry the one you meet in rehab.

He should know mentally disturbed. As for answering hate with love, I think his staff has now taken to feeding him sound bites generated by a fortune cookie message generator, or maybe Melania, same diff.

I was like, whoa, triple wedgie. Do they not do a test run of their Olympic outfits beforehand?

She was good though.

Come to think of it, maybe Putin is sending a message through her. She does wear knives on her feet.

Right? Her skate, in 3 acts: 1) Polonium 2) Strangulation 3) Being thrown out a window.

Bret “Will No One Think of the White Men?” Stephens has 3 children of his Presumably one day they will be able to read his piece (if they haven’t already) and come to their own conclusions about their old man.

Would love it if any American who finds themselves around Pence at an event starts chanting, “U-S-Gay! U-S-Gay! U-S-Gay! and turns that uncomfortable frozen rictus smile of his into an endurance event.

“Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor, and I can’t say enough good things about him,” Kelly said at the time the allegations surfaced. “He is a friend, a confidant and a trusted professional.”

Can someone please just tell him now that he’s made America great again, all time is executive time that he can spend exclusively at Mar-a-Lago eating all the cheeseburgers he wants with unlimited scoops of ice cream until Dr. Mueller and his nice friends are ready to come declare him 6'4" and 220 lbs. of pure muscle?

Upon being questioned, the vase said, “She made me do it.”

Or, you know, maybe shouldn’t own a pet.

Let’s not forget Corey Lewandowski,“best tail,” and all that. Vomit.

Everyone show up with this image on their signs.

I think a fitting punishment for Ivanka would be for Jared to go to jail for life, for her to be permanently stripped of her wealth, forced to raise 3 kids on whatever the average American head of household income is that year, and live by the rules of her own hare-brained ideas around “legislation.”