
I’ve always believed Melania has full agency. She actively campaigned for the position, even if she didn’t want it and didn’t think she would get it.

... and if she really is redefining the role, then she should stop wearing that stupid FLOTUS cap

Ok, “job,” ceremonial role, whatever. I agree it’s a flawed institution in need of modernization, but it’s not like she’s not making some form of protest for the greater good. If she takes a stance I’ll give her credit for it, but until then she doesn’t get a pass, much less admiration from me for being lazy, selfish

In other news, water is wet.

He’s a Nimho if there ever was one. #NotInMyHotel

So Tater and Tot are this year’s Central Park Five? Got it.

The guy is completely overrated, couldn’t happen to a better jerk. I’ve always felt his and (sorry to have to say it) Maggie Haberman’s meteoric ascension was part of a Times cabal to anoint them the Wonder Twins and it has largely worked despite their being totally soft on Trumpelstiltskin. Maybe this will make room

When do we storm the Bastille?

If Trumpwise the Clown keeps seeding the courts with ghost hunters like Brett Talley, she might one day soon.

Ok, lightly employed lol

An attack on the Commander is an attack on Gilead, blessed be the fruit. Or something like that.

Dennis Miller, Victoria Jackson, Kennedy (if she can be called a comic).... it explains so much. Also, they’re unemployed.

That’s a pretty fanciful interpretation of what I wrote.

I wonder if Franken opened himself up to an ethics investigation and used himself as bait knowing Trump would walk right into it? No excuse for what he did of course but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was part of some calculation.

And we all know what happens when he feels stifled. Like any classic abuser, he’s going to take it out on the next innocent who has the misfortune to cross his path. High alert: Gold star families, military widows, golden retriever puppies...

That blouse counts as visual assault. It looks like a leopard got tangled up in the middle of a Russian rhythmic gymnast’s ribbon routine.

If there are going to be a billion of these in circulation, what do we write on the bill next to his fucking signature?

Are there worse people in this administration? I don’t even know at this point. It’s like a 36-person tie and a never-ending race to the bottom.

In the world of trophy wives and gross husbands, every day is bring your trophy to work day. I noticed Trump does the same thing. He brings out Melania like a show pony and mentions her in official business when the spouse isn’t usually highlighted. Like taking Melania with him to disaster zones, making her wear a