
On the upside, Barron, Tiffany and Eric no longer have to worry about being the least favorite child.

“Donald Trump Jr.? I barely know him. He had a very limited role for a very limited time in my life.” — Donald Trump

Mueller’s Nothing Burger Special coming to a deli near you in 2019

I read that as a pointed, “I was just publicly snubbed by a woman, fuck you all, I’m taking my toys and leaving.” Divorce is not in the cards so long as he is president. I also think Melanoma has a lot more in common with her husband than people want to believe. It’s a weird fucked up form of simpatico that only a

I assume the one-shouldered togas and off-shoulder flouncy numbers Ivanka and Melanoma favor for official state business will be exempt — for them. The rest of us better be prepared to rock out in our supafresh Christian burkas. And by rock out, I mean breed.

No. They have never dealt with their history the way the Germans did, despite saying they have, and many are happy to push that line with all their Wikipedia citations. But it is wrong and the denial is strong. While there is a lot to admire about Japanese culture, on this point, they have a long way to go and it

Exactly. Apparently the difference at final offer was about 10%, which begs the question, if that marked a significant increase, how much less have they been paid this entire time? For those who think Kim and Park should’ve just taken it, consider this: what does it say about CBS that they wouldn’t close a measly 10%

Worth pointing out he used the old flat foot draft dodging excuse, not any moral arguments. Even Sarah Palin had a son who served. In six short years Barron will be eligible to enlist, though. Ha, yeah right. More like Trump will gleefully start a war, send economically disadvantaged, non-citizens to fight, then deny

I like to think the hammer of justice is patient and biding its time.

I would hope she isn’t being abused but I also think she 100% knew the man she married from day one. They were together for seven years before they got married and it’s not like Ivana’s biography wasn’t around for her to read. She straight up admitted she suspected he thought she was a hooker when they met but called

I’m all for letting her speak. The more she defends the indefensible, the more she reveals her true nature and the more she can be judged for her words and deeds. We already know she’s a shallow, litigious, hypocritical, gold digging plagiarist and grifter who came to this country under shady circumstances, thinks

For anyone who’s still in the Save Melania camp, can we please stop giving her the benefit of the doubt now? Obvious vain, materialistic, retrograde shitbag is obvious.

He was probably like, “I loved her in that movie with Matthew McConaughey. Hire her!”

Please can we make it a true Impeachment Olympic Roast — a 300-event, 16-night, all-country extravaganza of non-stop mockery? Is John Williams still alive? Cuz we’re gonna need a new Olympic Fanfare theme song.

I know, they err on the side of inconclusive which, fair enough. But there’s still enough there that I’d think twice before using my uterus as a laboratory to secure a few hundred mill from Mr. Magoo.

Rumors are that the school is known to give personalized, extra help to students who are in need of it. Guessing their decision to matriculate him at this school was not for lack of getting the Jared admission special into the more competitive ones. Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t opt to home school him with tutors

She stigmatizes it by making it something secret and shameful. She’s not protecting him. She’s protecting her image. She married for money and procreated with a sociopath with old sperm as insurance. She continues the charade because of what’s at stake financially. If her son is miserable, it’s her fault. Fuck her.

I’m sure public hand holding is covered in their divorce settlement. For every pda, she gets a certain amount above and beyond whatever millions. Melanoma doesn’t do shit for free. I wonder what pussy grabbing nets her.

It takes a human being to recognize one. I guess he only recognizes the sub-human mouth breathers among us?