Is it too early to teach middle schoolers organized resistance? Instead of sitting out the photo op next time, show up with protest signs. Then, take the picture. Give him that #notsofreshfeeling
Fine print: Only angelic, white kids in European countries need apply
Agree, she’s probably the smartest Trump, which is like being 5-feet tall in a family of pygmies. I also hate how she’s always talking about how she loves how “bold” her husband’s ideas are. It’s like she’s compensating so hard for the total milquetoast she knows he is. I feel like everything she says is channeled…
No one made her wear that heavyweight championship of the world gaudy-ass belt though. What she hiding in there?
In the two instances I’ve seen of him speaking on camera, he comes across not as the some understated, brilliant strategist but as a not particularly smart guy afraid of his own shadow. His reticence and staying in the shadows, and Trump’s relentless promotion of and reliance on him, allows people to project…
Yes, I’m sure they’ll note their mild displeasure over this unfortunate lapse and point out that he decided to declassify the information on the spot, as is his wont. Because, Hillary. Seriously, fuck ’em all. And fuck Callista Gingrich’s weird-ass hair helmet too while we’re at it.
I think the cover is great and totally falls within the bounds of artistic license for me. I didn’t see it as disrespecting Dao so much as an allegory for a cretinish abuse of power. The fact that it is thought-provoking at a minimum and might even make people uncomfortable is precisely what makes it effective as art.…
Problem is, she’s utterly uninteresting. I could barely listen to her for 2 minutes as she droned on. Spicer’s an idiot but he gets ratings. So, for a man obsessed with ratings, Trump’s got himself a conundrum. Boring, anodyne evangelibot (albeit one with interesting sartorial choices, like the neon pink bedazzled…
He’s not going anywhere. His actual “job” in the administration is beside the point. He’s a court jester and his job is to get ratings. Hiding in the bushes gets ratings. Drumpf keeps him around as a source of amusement and ridicule, for us and for him, not for press secretarying.
Warren Yates 2020. I will also accept Yates Warren.
I bet Pizza Rat could wipe that smirk off that assclown’s face. Go pick on a rodent your own size.
I’m sorry for your experience, but in Melanoma’s case, she’s done plenty of things on the public record that go way above and beyond just toeing the line to get by just because she’s married to a malignant narcissist. No one really knows, of course, but we can make an educated guess. By all measures of her public…
Not to mention Melanoma came from extremely privileged-for-Slovenia circumstances. Her father was one of Tito’s guys, and he was supposedly a real operator. There are published stories about how everyone in the family was always dressed to the nines, had a taste for the finger things in life, and even owned a…
Considering 1865 hasn’t even happened yet for him, politically, I’m guessing 1959 is still a pipe dream.
Sigh. I *wish* that washing machine were president. It is cool, calm and collected by comparison. Washy 2020.
Dollars to donuts, the WH gets a sudden influx of 6-foot tall Amazonian “Senior Advisors” of indeterminate origin, sporting thick Eastern European accents.
I am TOTALLY judging these books by their covers. The first one is channeling a 1980's YA novel. The second one looks like a Cialis commercial. Third is a light romance about a young woman who has an affair with her boss who abandons her before he knows she’s pregnant and years later coincidentally moves into the town…
I did enjoy her “tweet” though. :) If only she were actually that vapid.