
Yup. Passive aggressive, like the pussy bow she wore to the debate. She makes incredibly deliberate fashion choices, as befits a woman who’s fluent in the language of fashion. And now she’s doing it in speeches. She’s not stupid. She’s a troll, just like husband.

Just because she didn’t marry for love and didn’t plan on becoming FLOTUS doesn’t make her sympathetic in my book. She knew what she was doing, saw the gold house, the vulgar manners and god knows what else and said, yeah, I’ll sign up for that. No one made her repeat birther claims ad infinitum, sue penniless

Don’t get played thinking she’s secretly a damsel in distress. She is not.

I despise Melanoma with every fiber of my being and is matched only by my repulsion for her husband. For anyone who wants to give her a pass, she is no victim, she has 100% agency, is smarter than her husband, and every bit as selfish, petty and vindictive.

So much agreeing. Utterly mediocre rich kids, whose crooked daddies bought them degrees and gave them B.S. executive “jobs” in the family biz.

There aren’t enough Nobel peace prizes in the world to award Merkel for what she endured in that meeting

Yes but I wouldn’t mind if someone leaked that invoice cuz you know that shit is meme-able af.

It was bad enough that she’s powerful and intelligent, but to be those things AND criticize him while ALSO being a vagina-haver? Man-baby was probably on the brink of seizure. Plus, he no doubt had some lame, misogynistic insult at the ready and he was resentful as hell he couldn’t deploy it before all those cameras.

To look like rotting lunch meat and then criticize and rank how women look is, I don’t know... all I can say is when he steps off this mortal coil I hope it is in a humiliating and horrifying fashion.

The only thing that keeps me sane through all this news is the thought of Cheeto McFuckface eventually being brought to justice and going to prison, along with his cohorts, and his entire fucking corrupt family. Except for Tiffany. She gets a reprieve for being the Jan Brady of that family, which seems punishment

There’s no room at the inn

I don’t get why so many people are willing to give Melanoma a pass. She’s already demonstrated that she’s litigious, vindictive, selfish and lazy. At worst, I’ve heard her called ‘mysterious’ and most defend her right to do as she pleases as first lady — and she pleases to do nothing, apparently. Not showing up for

I think some of those guys are gonna be disappointed when their DNA results come in.

Call it Birth of a Fake News Story. Before it was fake news, it was a fetus in Kellyanne Conway’s mouth. She spread her lips and out it came.

I can’t decide whether a blackout or a shock and awe campaign of mockery would undo him faster. Maybe a combination of one day on, one day off? Either way, watching this guy mentally disintegrate before our eyes and in real time is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying.

Not even next door. It’s literally downstairs. So it’s like going into your basement and pulling something from the re-gift pile.

I’m thinking about installing a content filter to block anything online that mentions Trump on that day. Don’t want to be tempted to click on anything associated with him and give him any attention at all. I would, however, be willing to tune into a channel that broadcasts a progressive yule log all day.

I imagine the plotting part looks like an SNL writers meeting where each spook tries to outdo the other with the most zany way to do it. And somewhere in there Papa Bush makes a cameo appearance for old time’s sake and to avenge Jeb’s! humiliation.

The look on Bey’s face is, “I don’t know her.”

He’s overqualified.