
Games theoretically ran through windows too, but for some godforsaken reason you’d always be short on conventional memory any time you tried to run a dos based game through win 3.1. It almost didn’t matter how much RAM you had. You could be 10k light on conventional memory, quadruple your RAM and be 3k light when all

It’s just branding. Like a job interview where someone describes themself as self-motivated.

That can’t be right. I’m about 95% my first PC ran Windows with a DOS 6.0 base. I’m 100% positive I had software with Windows 3.1 dependencies.

Generally it’s a matter of cost. You seem to be insinuating laziness or sloth.

Your so-called addressal of my concerns amounted to an impassioned defense of the merits of troglodytism.

Buddy, you don’t get to call anyone “really fucking stupid.” You’ve got about 100 posts now complaining about an apples to apples dismissal of an objection that you are not equipped to understand in the first place, while trying to make things up to fill in the blanks and hoping nobody notices how full of shit you are.

You know... I know of no other country, save for places like Iran and Afghanistan and a couple others like those two, where anyone would think a person is a good leader because they’re really religious.

Her money rating definitely shouldn’t be within a point of Rubio. Ignoring funds tied up in the Clinton foundation (which would be in the eleven figures), the low-end estimate of her household net worth is in the nine figures.

If Hillary Clinton rates a 6 for “Money” and Rubio rates a 5, there’s something very wrong with these ratings.

Eh. This is for toddlers it sounds like. I don’t see the harm.

I had to check the date on this article, because I have this feeling in the back of my mind like someone already did this or something very similar. And I don’t mean the Zelda saves link hack. Maybe it was a different game that I’m thinking of.

And, yes, you can have nuance for things you don’t care about or are not inclined to learn about.

You are not capable of nuance on a topic you

We’ve already established that you lack the knowledge about the Turkish people and their culture so as to be able to determine whether these objections are legitimate or not. Furthermore, you, yourself, admit that you do not actually care.

The Boston/NY thing doesn’t get to the heart of why these three are upset. A more apt comparison would be Boston to San Pedro, Honduras (which is the most dangerous city on planet Earth). They’re not angry because Camels are Turkish stereotypes (generally they’re not). They’re angry because Camels are a stereotype

So your interest is to whine about whining about whining on a topic you admit to knowing nothing whatsoever about.

Reading the rest of your posts, I’m not only confident that you’d never heard of Mustafa Kemal until yesterday, but that you also know absolutely nothing about Turkey or Turks, who you seem to view as some sort of globally put-upon people who unsure of themselves. This has not been true since Seljuk, who died 400

More important than the combat in the TES series is its central gameplay concept of abnegation: Denial of Self. The first person perspective is central to what it’s selling.

I feel like someone should mod in a mosquito buzzing the soldier’s ear just prior to this happening every time it happens.