
Third person game. If I remember correctly, it took the God of War approach of generous hitboxes to solve the twin stick precision problem. If you would be able to move the camera into the player character’s eyes, you’d have a different idea of whether the combat system worked or not. TES has also played footsies with

What, like fucking this?

Mustafa Kemal (who I’m guessing you’ve never heard of) has been dead since prior to World War 2. That’s called an equivalent, not a false equivalent.

Think that’s just a limitation with the first person perspective in a 3D environment using a twin-stick controller for melee combat.

I really need to get around to this game. That screenshot is beautiful

Argument that companies are hommoraging money due to piracy is kind of shaky. Corporate accounting surely counts all examples of thrift as unpaid sales, but the guy who steals from the liquor store wouldn’t necessarily have paid for that bottle of jack if it was behind a locked glass case. May have just not gotten any

Piracy CAN be a symptom of that stuff, but it’s usually not (and I’m guessing in the case of the guy you’re talking to, none of that is true). One example would be prior to gog and digital distribution in general, it was absolute Hell to legally purchase abandonware. Even if you did, the money was rarely going to the

If Tomb Raider’s stable and Just Cause is not, both are using the same DRM, it doesn’t make sense that the DRM would be the cause.

So in essence, they outsource the volume authentication to Steam’s store.

“This hit, which took place after seven hours of streaming, really hurts:”

“But I have a theory, although it is pure speculation: Fox knows it has no idea how to handle the Fantastic Four franchise.”

I’m going to go with 19 and guess that your “higher classes” are some 100 level econ course taught by a marxist who probably studied botany in his own graduate school.

I’ll be sure to write a letter to my grad school the next time they ask me for money to let them know they forgot the “higher classes” which teach that making illogical people feel good about themselves is of “crucial” concern to for-profit enterprises and maximizing market share is not.

Zyion doesn’t mean he/she doubts their existence, but that their existence defies all logic.

The only “crucial aspect” of the games industry to the people who decide whether something is exclusive or not is revenue. There is no secondary consideration of optimization. It’s incredibly naive to think that Shareholders, CEOs, EVPs, analysts and product managers would think the way you’re suggesting they think.

Hmm. My brother had a Sega Genesis and, while I remember Sega Genesis not getting certain arcade ports, the ones it did were generally solid (some racing games, forget what). Really, anything that was “busy” ran better on the genesis than the Super Nintendo. I seem to remember EA sports games being a mess of slowdown

This is hands down the most friggin bizarre PC game fix I can remember.

Dude, check this out. This sounds stupid, but it just worked for me.

I was wondering if it might have something to do with data reading and writing. What XCOM2 reminds me of is when a super nintendo game would be ported to playstation and with it would come all sort of crazy menu lag that wasn’t present on a less-powerful system. Cause of this was a difference in data throughput