
Two points


Once you realize that the key thing that makes the fan trailer better is the removal of almost all dialogue, well, that doesn’t bode well for a comedy.

Leslie Jones at least looks to own the role, though. Everyone else is just reading lines, standing on X’s and talking at the camera.

Yep. We saw how wrong everyone was about Robocop, Point Break and Fantastic Four. Er, wait.

Tough to tell from the trailer, but it doesn’t seem like they have any chemistry. Like a bunch of actors who don’t know each other reading lines AT each other with no sense of the characters they’re portraying.

If your objection is that Tactics Ogre and Endless Legend are too dissimilar, why ask me if I’ve played Banner Saga? It’s the same exact thing as Tactics Ogre except with less freedom/variety/customization, less developed terrain mechanics, less individual risk, less choice and consequence, a turn-ordering system that

Doesn’t surprise me. Said when what’shisname was fired, the explanations given by both Valve and host guy pointed to confusion/lack of leadership at the project management/production level at Valve.

I was under the impression Desmond was Arab. Or, perhaps Persian or Assyrian. The historical Hassassin were most definitely not “white” guys.

and don’t get in depth and deep into it.

Or World of Warcraft or even World of Tanks.

Yep. Have you played Tactics Ogre or it’s more HoMMesque predecessor, Ogre Battle?

“people who play a small handful of titles casually”

“however the people who play sports games are not gamers, they are casuals”

Agreed. If character creation is launching people on random/wrong servers, a Beta Test Environment wouldn’t find that as it would simply default to the only server in existence.

Should we be in any way alarmed that we’ve seen practically nothing about this game about a year out? I seem to recall that we were getting gameplay footage of Dragon Age Inquisition at around this time. Even the conceptual (non artwork) stuff about MEA has been somewhat scarce—most of it coming from a single

I’m not comfortable with this type of thinking, but what I will say is that Deus Ex HR got it right when it (quite accidentally) leaked 1/3 of the game—but only 1/3 of the game. That’s a robust enough “demo” to let people make an informed decision, but it’s not an entire retail product.

Goddammit Patricia. Why do you have to go describe some game I don’t own like that. Don’t you know how long my backlog is?

I’ve been wanting to play those for years, unfortunately, if Nintendo doesn’t port them to PC, IOS or a Sony product (which they won’t), it’s unfortunately not going to be in the cards.

I think one factor might be that the people who would be the right age to be blown away by Final Fantasy Tactics (or w/e) instead of Wolfenstein are aging into the the point in their lives where they factor into the corporate decision-making process.