Sherrod DeGrippo

Do they picture a different species when they think of women? Like, if someone said I needed to buy things for a dog, I'd think "tennis balls, right? dogs like tennis balls, don't they?" but if someone said I had to buy things for a group of women, I'd think "Starbucks giftcards! Poppin notebooks!" I wouldn't think

yay! this is my puppy (a rescue) whose adoption was just finalized 2 wknds ago! this is her right after being spayed.

Roo McClanahan (yes...that's her name) is a rescue and while she doesn't have the motivation to compete at Westminster, she's "best in show" of my heart every night.

When I volunteered at an animal shelter in Chicago, we used to reach out to people who adopted the dogs for follow ups/ updates and one time the update from the adoptive family detailed how their little boy had trouble reading in front of people and so he practiced by reading to their little shelter dog and I swear to

Your list of what the show is about leaves out that the winner wins $250,000

I love this, but it always makes me so nervous when people do things like this (I AM AN ANXIOUS INDIVIDUAL). I really hope your headline next week isn't Russian Olympic Snowboarder Mysteriously Disappears off of Face of Earth :(.

Yeah, that's most certainly true. I wonder if Ray ever thought about Marnie before though and was trying to protect himself at all in case she said it first. I could see that being a possibility as well. Just because Ray has spend so much time and energy over the seasons announcing how much he's not attracted to

I thought maybe Ray didn't want Shosh to find out.

Oh yeah definitely a good comparison with Betty Draper. As far as who I'd like to hang out with, Marnie's maybe my least favorite, but I feel like in a lot of ways I "get" her the most.

Yeah, I mean it's complicated, and Marnie is obviously very self-absorbed (I still have hope for her though). But I don't feel like the writers decided to make him the one to say it first for no reason. I think it did hurt her on more of a level than just like ugh you're not even hot enough to reject me. I could be

I was just coming here to say this. Spoiler alert...? RIGHT AFTER they had sex, he asked her not to tell anyone about it. He hurt her pride (and maybe even her feelings...?), and she lashed out. I'd like to think I'd react more maturely than Marnie in that situation, but reality is, I'd probably sputter out the same

I don't understand why people click on and then read these articles just so they can complain about how much they hate Girls. We get it, you don't like the show. But all means, vent your tunnel-vision in articles that talk about why Girls is so great or so relevant or is not racist or whatever... but with the episode

I love Girls and don't go around shitting on the shows you like. Fight!

If you don't like the show, don't watch it...and maybe don't click on articles about it just to complain about how much you hate it? No one is forcing you to care about Girls.

What's the timeline for this show? How long is the finale after the show stops taping? I guess I'm unsure how the trainers would be surprised by how she looks?

I actively give zero fucks about the Olympics, but I give 1,000 fucks about puppies!

From what I've seen so far, these dogs are actually the BEST part of Sochi. They should be releasing more stray dogs instead of exterminating them.

In this case, I'm not sure that they did? The mother was charged with child endangerment, and the girl was taken into the custody of Child Welfare. I don't see a mention of the girl getting any charges.

Marauders prequel PLEASE. We all want it.

This is literally the worst. J.K. Rowling, just keep some things to yourself, you know, maybe write a Marauders prequel, instead of ruining my childhood. Maybe apologize instead for Harry and Luna not ending up together, that would be acceptable.