Sherrod DeGrippo

It goes against all the anecdotal cases of women I know who were unable to conceive UNTIL they had gastric bypass and lost 100+ lbs.

Dude, I'm a cow and I have all the friends. Like seriously, I have more friends then I ever thought I would ever have in my whole life right now. I'm so busy I miss having time to myself. If you someone feels so bad about their body image, they can't have friends, I feel super bad for them. I will give you all the

I know this sounds shocking, but you can actually have confidence, go out places, have friends and "put yourself out there" while being fat. Fat actually hasn't prevented me from doing any of those things. Fat as only prevented me from being skinny. And skinny, like fat, is just a body size, not a happiness rating.

I agree that a huge part of Knox's source of sympathy comes from the fact that she's a pretty white girl, but in American law you can't be tried twice for the same crime. Thus her verdict probably won't be recognized by the U.S.

I really enjoy that this lays out an audio timeline of his balls dropping. Unintended consequence? Mayhaps. Either way, I'm thankful for this important moment in history being documented.

Hey - this is someone that appears to be genuinely curious, willing to admit their ignorance, and eager to learn more. Let's not be sarcastic or rude to them, but save it for the people who are either willfully ignorant or just plain assholes who aren't going to change.

These seem like excellent options for a group of baton twirlers in a 4th of July parade.

True story: I briefly dated a knitter who turned out to be the biggest asshole ever. I was shocked to find out that he was kinda still seeing his ex while sleeping with me. I was livid about the lies, but more than that, I felt like I had been tricked. It had never occurred to me that a guy who knits and then wears

Gomez and Morticia Addams.

Glad to hear you get around in ATL. I haven't been to Little 5 points in YEARS. Enjoy.

This is true. Serious question though: how often do you go to those neighborhoods? I know a TON of people in Atlanta and it's such a strange big city. Most people tend to stay in their little bubbles. Sure, they'll venture out every now and then but not in the way that people on New York, SF, or other cities do.

ATL is awesome! The ONLY livable place in GA.

tell me more! coming to atlanta (from Vancouver, Canada!!!) for a weekend in march. what should i see/do?

My cousin had her wedding reception at Paris on Ponce. It was the best reception ever.

The best thing about Atlanta is how easy it is to get everywhere. Everyone I know is constantly leaving their neighborhood just to go exploring different areas of the city. It's quite lovely.

SO excited about Ponce Market. And they're putting bike lanes all over my hood. Things are looking up!

sure, the food sucks but... "They have good salad and breadsticks!"

They also have bread sticks, if you can believe it!

Atlanta- The Clermont Lounge. To make a perfect night, hit up Gladys Knights Chicken & Waffles, catch a movie at the Starlight Drive In, and, assuming you are not murdered during your movie, end at The Clermont with a nice canned domestic. Because ATL=Classy.