Sherrod DeGrippo

Congrats to Airbnb and Gawker for not letting editorial interfere with business. I hope Valleywag keeps exposing hypocrisy and stupidity at Airbnb, and Airbnb keeps sponsoring Gawker Media. Cats and dogs, living together!!

Awww, soooo CUTE! I can squee and be happy! Thanks for the bonus pic.

Oh god, I am pretty sure Lisa Eldridge Goddess of Make-up (her official title, I think) did her make up, so let me just take a second to gush about how much I love Lisa Eldridge and think she is the best thing evvvver. I watch her youtube videos when I get anxious because her voice is so soothing. Ugh. UGHHHH. The

I was worried at the beginning; I'm used to her vapid, yet insightful thoughts from the first two seasons, but during the first episode, she had some lines that were just "WTF?! Have you been living in a cave, devoid of all human contact since last season, and completely forgot how the world works?" She's a great

I think the ultimate result is that Ray gets over his heart-break and realizes there are much better options for him out there.

I wanna discuss Shoshanna! Who wants to join me?

The piece in the original post is a Bjarne Melgaard sculpture in imitation of Allen Jones' furniture pictured in your comment. Melgaard's schtick in these pieces was to change the skin color; they were exhibited with paintings that also swapped the subject's race. He is most definitely courting racial offense.

Agreed. She's a great actress, one of the most beautiful people I've seen, and from the little I know about her as a person she seems delightful, but the outfit does not do it for me.

I actually really like fortune cookies.

I LOVE the taste of fortune cookies.

YEEESSSS! Suck it, shitty formulaic irrelevant NBC sitcoms that crashed and burned. Parks and Rec is where it's at!

I think in the very beginning she was supposed to be a parallel to The Office's Jim while Leslie was supposed to be a parallel to Michael Scott. Unfortunately for Ann Perkins, Leslie Knope was a charmer supreme!

Yay! More Ron Swanson—television's only real meat-eating man! ;)

We're holding you to that, Mr. Greenblatt. Parks fandom is small but feisty (like Leslie Knope).

Here in the UK we get 54 weeks off and most of it paid (90% of your paycheck), same sex couples can claim paid maternity and paternity leave and soon men and women will be able to split the time so they can have equal time off, America you are so backwards it is scary.


It's almost like he's not a real doctor.

My only issue with this are the government benefits. Single people do not get the same tax breaks as those who are married. Which is a bummer because I don't feel we should be penalized because we choose not to marry. Would this couple receive a bigger discount because there are five people involved as opposed to