Sherrod DeGrippo

I don't often go out to lunch, but when I do, I like to wear a brassiere.

I was confused on why the fancy lotion (L'Occitane) store my mom loves was in this post!

Talk to my grandmother and she'll scream how he's the N-word in chief... I loathe my family sometimes.

I didn't even read this article because this dog is SO GODDAMN CUTE.

Thank you for sharing! I watched the documentary and am glad I saw it. Sadly, I tried to talk to my husband after watching it and he laughed. Actually said "you really think there are a lot of people who get vagina surgery." I felt pretty good at the end of the documentary and that went away with his laughter.

That's the documentary!!! Thanks for showing!

I actually just watched this whole vid from your link. Very interesting...and also very sad.

This was definitely worth watching. Thanks! And worst sister ever!

NOPE! I made it to 3 seconds.

Wild and untamed!

I enjoy that the image the clip presents is of a bush.

Wantok, the female tree kangaroo :)

Weeeell, in the old days (In Ireland), kids would get that name because of their hair color. I think it could technically also translate to "dark haired," but I'm not very up on my Gaelic.

They never want that poor child to forget that he's blackity-black-black. And not like them.

Anyone who sends someone unsolicited and clearly situationally inappropriate dick pics should be cut off for that person's own safety. That's some sketchy shit, and it's the kind of sexually aggressive boundary testing that could escalate.

I always interpreted hot to be like, a hot steamy pile of shit. So a hot mess is an extra nasty mess. It's certainly not meant to be complimentary in any sense.

I just watched it on Netflix because of course I had to see the movie before reading Lindy's critique. The movie is crap for all the reasons she says and more. I highly recommend it.

I loved Black Swan. But I do think it was weird for that author to advocate more starring roles for Mila Kunis, saying that "there should be more Black Swans to go around," since Kunis had a supporting role in that film.

She can't be prejudiced - some of her best friends are southern!

Yea, I only lived in the south for 7 years and not in the deep south (NC), but I kinda want to punch you, Tracy. My experience is that there are all sorts of people all over the country. Way to perpetuate stereotypes that people in other parts of the world love to jump on to diminish the worth of your kinfolk.