Sherrod DeGrippo

I mean, don't listen to me. I grew up an anti-intellectual with little to no access to education. The way that I grew up speaking is synonymous with ignorance and stupidity.

Because some of us are a way, that means all of us are a way, right? We wouldn't want to be like Phil Robertson and make gross generalizations

You said that so much better than I could have.

Thank you! When I read that I felt myself begin to boil with anger.

It's like the Honey Boo Boo family doesn't even exist. (Why aren't we talking more about them in the wake of this scandal? There you go: a real life "redneck" family who are also cool with gays and haven't said any horrible racist shit either! There's your topical clickbait essay!)

Well, this post isn't classist and kind of gross at all. I'm a progressive atheist from California (granted, the San Joaquin Valley, which is about as redneck as California gets) and I'm still upset by this.

There was a time when the left tried to build connections with the working class. Now we just shit all over them for their unrefined opinions.

Some rednecks are just good hearted people born into deep poverty in remote rural areas with little or no access to decent education, basic dental care, or anything like diversity or broad-minded thinking. ....

I'm from Atlanta. "The South"! Not, "I'm going to Miami for Spring Break" South. More like, "Kansas City is Yankee country" South. I fucking hate when someone tries to play off completely stereotyping where I come from and the people that come from there cause they're "one of us". I guess your black friend speaks for

"What should I do when someone semi-famous says something terrible and offensive? I KNOW! Say something that is also terrible and offensive!"

Yup. Cobble together a bunch of lazy stereotypes, and then end with a condescending pat on the head.

There are few things more annoying than someone who grew up in a rural environment making it out and then shitting all over the place he or she came from and people he or she grew up with, for the benefit of other urban sophisticates.

I feel like this is insulting to 'rednecks' that are tolerant. I don't see what the point of this article was. His homophobia is his own damn fault.

As a fellow person from the South I was not shocked by Phil Robertson's comments, but I did find them abhorrent, and I find this article to be insulting as well. Maybe not as bad as Duck Dynasty, but still pretty bad.

Former hotel designer here. Explain to me, interior designer who made that room, HOW the children get into those top bunks? Do they vault? Because if I recall gym class barely any of us could climb a dang rope, much less do it in the middle of the night. Also when any of those kids moves an inch in their sleep the

I have an "All Morrissey All the Time" board that I love.

Approve. Can you make a cat kind?

This is awesome. I am so glad you shared it :D

Yeah, if you need to hang your kids from the ceiling like a fucking chef's rack you probably should consider cooling it in the reproduction department.

you are an artist.