i'd be much happier if everyone would enable my desire to live in a fantasy world where all doggies live long happy lives in loving homes. can we work on that? maybe with some cute doggie pictures for reassurance?
i'd be much happier if everyone would enable my desire to live in a fantasy world where all doggies live long happy lives in loving homes. can we work on that? maybe with some cute doggie pictures for reassurance?
I would check my Target debit card statement, but their site has crashed/is not responding. Probably because of the "millions" rushing to check it out for themselves, too.
You know, I actually find this criticism mostly accurate, but I still enjoyed the movie. I think it's worth at least one watch.
I watched it with no preconceptions other than knowing it existed vaguely and despite being both an anglophile and not a hater of romcoms, I haaaaaated it.
I saw it once many years ago and hated it immediately.
It's boring. I tried to watch it but it's too boring.
She had me at "Cock-blocktopus".
Watch it! And take the snarky cap off for the night. Just enjoy and don't analyze.
You should not. It's bland and boring and predictable, even for a cookie-cutter rom-com. And Andrew Lincoln's character is CREEPTASTIC. Actually, wait. Maybe you SHOULD watch it, with Lindy West and a few good bottles of red. It would be a blast to MST3000 the sh*t out of this movie.
Watch it only if you feel you really want to see it. I think it's a piece of crap but you should really judge for yourself.
I tried to watch it, and I couldn't bare it. And I love cheesy rom coms.
You should not watch it, because you are a robot. If you were not a robot, you would have already seen, and loved, it.
A lot of people love to hate on this movie, but it is actually really enjoyable. It seems to polarize people, but I think that's half the fun. Seriously, in the last two weeks I have seen it featured on multiple Gawker/Jezebel and BuzzFeed articles. Give it a go, and see for yourself.
I saw it a couple years ago for the first time. It's a lighthearted movie about romance. I didn't really like how most of the relationships seemed to be men falling for women who worked for them. That felt a little icky. But also I watched it after it had already been deigned a "classic", so my expectations may have…
It's an enjoyable movie, but it is rather problematic if you try to look too hard at it. The issues are summed up pretty well here: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/…
You should watch. People seem to either love it or hate it. I fully recognize the ridiculousness of the storylines, but I am still able to enjoy it. I think it's a great movie and one that I have to watch every Christmas season.
It's a good, silly movie with a great cast. It actually made me like Hugh Grant a little, which seemed impossible.
Honestly, it was very hard for me to run this piece (okay, not that hard because Lindy is hilarious) because I enjoy the movie. It's just so easy.
Don't. One of my best friends made me watch this and it made me groan a lot but mostly I was just bored.
It's a good movie. Ignore criticisms like this, which is mostly really inaccurate and stupid and the judgments used against it here would never be used against other movies that are actually very terrible.